Legal Buds


Active Member
While randomly browsing thru the Interwebs, I stumbled across some websites which sell and advertise so-called "legal buds", among them a site called "". Now this subject puzzles me, even more so because after some research I've done on those substances and reading thru the FAQ-section of said website, I'm still not compeletely sure what exactly those buds are promising and if it's worthwile to purchase them, since all the effects from smoking it are not very clear and defined by the guys who sell them. Can somebody plz help me and tell me if they might be a safe and legal alternative to normal pot?


Active Member
dont bother, just keep smoking weed if you keep your shit together you wont be caught :) this legal shit doesnt compare to weed.


Active Member
Just don't do it. God only knows what goes into some of the "legal high" products. If it works (which it probably won't), it's probably not something you want to be smoking. More than likely though, it won't work and you'll be out like $40. I wanna say High Times did an article about legal buds a while back, but I don't really remember if it was them 420, or who, but they basically concluded that they're a rip.


dont do it. i smoked it once and it all it did was leave a bad taste in my mouth and left me feeling very weird and in a way uncomfortable


my friend ordered dis shyt its herb only not weed it contains no thc at all he bought it and when he got it he noticed it wasnt weed he was pissed lmaoo ....anyways he sold it to some kid for 200 bucks told him it was some dank lmaoo my friend is a big ass built football player so the kid didnt do shyt...


Well-Known Member
my friend ordered dis shyt its herb only not weed it contains no thc at all he bought it and when he got it he noticed it wasnt weed he was pissed lmaoo ....anyways he sold it to some kid for 200 bucks told him it was some dank lmaoo my friend is a big ass built football player so the kid didnt do shyt...
WoW...your freind is a dick
Hi I am a new member so im no expert but that legal so called weed is not even for my enemies if i have any. I reallly wouldnt waste your time. As long as you dont get caught slipping i believe you'll be fine with good ole fashion mary jane!
Hello friend,
I want to answer your ? about the legal bud .com junk. I spent my birthday money on this so called stuff. Like you said nothing said about the high because there is none. It is so wet some of it that it won't stay lit, I ground up something they called solid. I still have the stain on my thumb and it has been a week at least. Please don't waste your money. It is junk to say the least without cuzzing because I wasted almost 100 on their sample pack and I could have bought the real thing and a lot of it and know that it was what I wanted. My suggestion to you is that you find someone and buy the real thing. Just buy 1/4 oz at a time and you will not suffer any consequences. I truelly believe noone is going to hassle you over that amount. Take the risk and go for it, smoking will change your life for the better. By the way I could get Medical Marij. if it were legal here in NC. I have joined some groups that are trying to decriminalize it in my area and I would encourage you to make it legal in your state. We should all take a part in make M legal. B


Active Member
Wow, thanks for the kind replies, actually I was already thinking that "legal buds" just sounded too good to be true. Goddamnit, do I hate those people who intend to make a quick buck with the ignorance and trust of their customers!


Well-Known Member
There will always be people trying to take advantage of others. It's all marketing. They make it seem like it's comparable to chronic...yeah it has plant material, that's about as far as it goes.


Active Member
If hell exists, everybody who used the word "ganja" in vain or misled his sheep by selling them cheap, worthless crap, is gonna pay for it, mhahahahaha! :D
Okay, I think this thread can now be taken as resolved, my initial question got answered.