legal bud!


Well-Known Member
cant smoke my beloved nuggets for a bit n this stuffs nuts lol what you guys think? its kinda like a tease but honestly it kinda fucks you up haaa
yehyehyeh wait till YOU gotta piss in a cup haha, i dont really like the idea of smokin it either but shiiiiiit
yea, ill pass too. but that's only because i can smoke the real deal. wizzonators work wonders man. but u cant if you're caught up with the law. thats why i keep my nose clean. lol. but how long does the high last??? and does it accually get you baked??? ive seen the stuff before, but never really wanted to WASTE my money on it lol.
haha i hear they suck never touched them though. i hear they taste like shit and are almost unsmokeable
nah theres looootttttts of different kinds, the high is wierd at first, but i mean you get baked, a different baked lol, kinda like a salvia deal i guess, bout 15 mins of feelin good then bammmm sober in an instant, and you should always throw some tasty puff or sumthin in there cause the shit taste like popuri or sumthin haa, i miss weeeeeeeeeeeed