"Legal" bud


Well-Known Member
So I just remembered this funny thing a while back. Have you ever come across "legal" bud that was being sold as the real deal? Its obviously legal for a reason. You cant get high off of it! I dont know the specifics of it though.

Anyway, some sketchy dealer somewhere or other had a bunch of this stuff going around town. what a crock! :finger: good thing i didnt buy it lol!! But a friend of mine did buy a bag. It looked like bud but that was about it! It looked alot like beasters or BC bud, whichever you may call it. This stuff smelled and tasted like hay!

Well we were quick to figure out it wasnt real pot. The funny thing is, my dumbass friend smoked half the bag with us, then told us he wanted to save the rest for later! :wall: I love him dearly but he is a damn idiot...

Anyone else come across this stuff??


Well-Known Member
I never tried the stuff, but I've seen it advertised all over the internet. I lump it together with "Make money at home!" and "Drop 20lbs in 2 weeks!" ads all over the place.

The best smokable I think you can buy online is salvia. At least it does something.


Well-Known Member
I never tried the stuff, but I've seen it advertised all over the internet. I lump it together with "Make money at home!" and "Drop 20lbs in 2 weeks!" ads all over the place.

The best smokable I think you can buy online is salvia. At least it does something.

lmao, thats the right mindset! Yeah salvia definitely will trip you up. the extract is what you gotta get...


Well-Known Member
that legal shit dosnt smell like hay, it smells like what ever flavor or "strain" you ordered. id be willing to go out on a limb for your friend and say it actually was beasters


Well-Known Member
that legal shit dosnt smell like hay, it smells like what ever flavor or "strain" you ordered. id be willing to go out on a limb for your friend and say it actually was beasters
It definitely did smell like hay. there has got to be hundreds of different kinds of legal bud out there. So to say that theres no way one of them could possibly smell like that seems a little too presumptuous. and no, it wasnt beasters. I know real bud when I smoke it.

If you have a story then feel free to share. :-o
just dont post on the thread calling me a liar. I dont think thats too much to ask.


Well-Known Member
i didnt call you a liar, just all of the legal bud ive seen dosnt smell like hay, beasters does. ive seen 1 stupid person who bought this legal stuff as the real deal, and smoked it and said "this seedless mids didnt really get me high...." ive seen a few dif flavors of the stuff

more than calling you a liar, i was sticking up for your friend, saying he might not be such a damned idiot. the legal bud looks nothing like real bud, it looks more like if i pulled a bunch of weeds and flavored and stuck them together with tobacco flavoring. also, there have been tons of occasions when ive smoked beasters and not gotten high, it tastes like hay because its not ripe and theres still chlorophyll in the buds


Active Member
yeah my friend got the dutch haze one or something and that shit came in wet! we had to dry it out and smoking it made me gag, he ended up smoking the whole ounce he bought and claims he got high but hes an idiot, get gold spice shit pretty legit kinda like weed but way more head rush


Well-Known Member
well regardless, I dont see how you can speak for all legal bud just because you've seen it once or twice. I mean we are most likely from 2 completely different areas so whos to say what is what. Im not saying your experience with beaster isnt true, but never once have I smoked actual pot of some kind and not gotten high from it. Im just stating that this stuff looked like bud, but smelled and tasted something completely different. And none of us got high, not just me. there was at least 4 of us there.

And I dont see how there would be such a high build up of chlorophyll in the buds when the chlorophyll resides in the leaves to carry out the plants photosynthesis. hmmm


Well-Known Member
yeah my friend got the dutch haze one or something and that shit came in wet! we had to dry it out and smoking it made me gag, he ended up smoking the whole ounce he bought and claims he got high but hes an idiot, get gold spice shit pretty legit kinda like weed but way more head rush

lmao!! maybe my friend and your friend know each other...


Well-Known Member
4 people + 1 gram of beasters = not high, but im done debating this

my last words will be
