Left 4 Dead Fans


Any Left 4 Dead fans in here? I know after work my ass will be smoking a fat bowl while tearing up some L4D.

Anyone else?


Active Member
its good game i cant play cause i got a red ring of death on my 360:cry: i wanna get the new one coming out;-)


Well-Known Member
Yea it was a fun game. I played the hell out of it trying to get the achievements and beat them on expert, but it was fun while it lasted. COD World at War has zombies in the new map packs the last of which is incredibly fun, I love to packapunch the browing and the ray gun they're awesome. But it's the same way for L4D if you don't got other good players then there is no point.

On a side note for the COD zombie players, if you use only 3 people there are a lot less zombies and it makes getting to the higher levels easier.


Well-Known Member
yea but its short, unless they have new maps like every 2 weeks or so i wouldnt buy it.


New Member
yeh good game loved dead space crakin game jus got the new batman game 2day gona give it a bash out 2moz


in my opinion left 4 dead failed hard and there is no way its ever going back in my x box

was fun for a little while, but the fact that there was only 1 (2, but people only played 1) multiplayer map got me sick of that game real fast..

also... the fucking idiots abusing the kick function

also, morons putting objects in front of the sewer hole, and the elevator door

the noobs camping under the ramp on the last section of the hospital level...

ruined it


Well-Known Member
in my opinion left 4 dead failed hard and there is no way its ever going back in my x box

was fun for a little while, but the fact that there was only 1 (2, but people only played 1) multiplayer map got me sick of that game real fast..

also... the fucking idiots abusing the kick function

also, morons putting objects in front of the sewer hole, and the elevator door

the noobs camping under the ramp on the last section of the hospital level...

ruined it
all those glitches have been fixed for 8-9 months now


Well-Known Member
havent actually played l4d, HATED WAW but zombies is really fucking good! specially the latest one, so addictive.

Shame u cant do 4-player co-op cos u have to wait 45 mins till u get a game if ur round a mates!