leefs curling down


Well-Known Member
if overwatering is not the prob, you may have a heat issue. high temps will cause leaf droop, like an upside down canoe



Active Member
also vast changes in temp in a short period of time will cause the leaves to droop.
air conditioners can cause this as they go on and off making drastic changes to temp.


Active Member
could be spider mites aswell they make a webs under you leafs...but if your indoor grow you shouldnt worry about that.


Active Member
not spider mites unless yo see spots on the leaves.

point your air conditioner toward the top of your lights and let a fan mix the cold air with your warm air and the plants will be happier. the cold will make the leaf curl down. the leaves are trying to protect the plant from the cold by truning downward, trapping the heat in.

too hot and it curls up.


Well-Known Member
My plants had the same issues.

I found it was two main things.

1. Over watering with nutes.
2. Light to close to my plants.

I fixed the problem fairly quickly buy watering with only water and not as often for about a week.
Moved the hps lighting a little higher.
Removed all the really curred leaves.

Now my plants are getting back to norma, are much better and stronger.

Hope that this helps you, it worked for me so it may just be the same
issues as you have.

Happy Growing,