Led's on for germinating autos in soil

There fine, sometimes it takes a while for em to peek out at ya, I just popped a thc bomb auto and an auto white widow, they took 4 days to give me the ol peek a boo, growing plants of any kind is a game of patience
My temps around 85 F. My humidity is 65-70%. I had to put a small humidifier in the tent & I hung a bigger fan to circulate the air better. 4 of the 5 autos popped this morning. Is my humidity to high for seedling/veg? Once they start flowering should the humidty be lower to prevent mold/rot?
My temps around 85 F. My humidity is 65-70%. I had to put a small humidifier in the tent & I hung a bigger fan to circulate the air better. 4 of the 5 autos popped this morning. Is my humidity to high for seedling/veg? Once they start flowering should the humidty be lower to prevent mold/rot?
For seedlings your good, but as they get bigger they make their own humidity, try to get it around 40% once they get some true leaves