LEDs for vegging


Well-Known Member
Has any one been growing with LED lights..?? I have been using them for vegging and I think they are just as good if not better for vegging then fluro's ...cheaper to run and the bulbs last around 5 to 7 years...I have posted some pics of my plants and my homemade LED light (the 1st one I got)...in the pic posting thread or you can check out my albums...I've tried to post a pic with a thread like this but it was'nt happening,,any advise on that would also be welcomed....:weed:


Active Member
I've been using a Custom LED setup I built on some plants recently, and have been getting better results than a 400W HPS

Did a lot of reserch before i built it. its a small array 100mm X 200mm twin fans on the heatsink and 100W of LED

The heatsink gets a little warm on a hot day, so I'm either going to go for another heatsink, whack on dual peltier coolers between the leds and heatsink to keep the leds cool. proved to be many times better than fluros for sprouting. I dont know about full on replacement of 600W HPS yet, as it was still pretty expensive to bulid. but the efficency is many times better.

LEDs will change the way people grow. just need to get the old stick in the muds that swear by their old methods, that they are not always right. hard thing to do, I Know.



Well-Known Member
A friend built mine....he used those fans you use in computers to cool them down.... I'll try to put photos up....It was kind of expensive to build but you start saving as soon as you turn them on..I also brought a commercially made LED that doesn't need cooling at all ,,and it is 5x as good as the homemade... I agree with you that they are the future of growing EVERYTHING ..... but I am not convinced that they are the best for budding your plants...I think that they need to be combined with HPS for flowering.. but even with the savings and versatility (they give off no heat,,possibility's are blown way open for where you can veg your plants),,that you get for growing your plants to flower under them...they are the future :hump::hump: