LEDS Decrease chance of Hermaphrodites in Cannabis Sativa

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
Just read it in the newspaper guys, I can't believe it but im throwing away my hps and getting some LEDs care to point me in the right direction?

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
I love my LEDs but I'm more inclined to say that claim is utter bullshit. For one hermies can be caused by stress, light leaks, and even pH swings, or just happens no. Matter what sometimes. My JAMAICAN D herms but always sterile. It still throws some sterile nanners under LED. but if you want led. Area 51 and rapidled onyx bloom are the best bang for the dollar for quality premade, apache tech also to consider if you have more coin to throw around.


Well-Known Member
It is complete bullshit......I had the same cut go nanner and non nanner under LED, repeatedly. No biggie. Just part of the dance. [Although, with the low post count, you just seem to be trolling from your regular account maybe? Otherwise, good luck]

2700k and 3000k.

California Light Works
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Well-Known Member
hermies are results of poor breeding and poor genetics. not stress, light stress or anything. I've had some issue with good genetics and no hermies at all...


Well-Known Member
hermies are results of poor breeding and poor genetics. not stress, light stress or anything. I've had some issue with good genetics and no hermies at all...
Hermies are also a survival trait. If one puts a female plant in a situation where it's hormonal balance triggers a response that it is pointless to attempt sexual reproduction due to a poor environmental factors, and plants respond to their environment, asexual reproduction will happen in order to preserve it's line. And that is Shantibaba/Mr Nice's observations. So stress will most definitely produce female pollen, if that's what we're talking about and not true hermies.


Well-Known Member
Hermies are also a survival trait. If one puts a female plant in a situation where it's hormonal balance triggers a response that it is pointless to attempt sexual reproduction due to a poor environmental factors, and plants respond to their environment, asexual reproduction will happen in order to preserve it's line. And that is Shantibaba/Mr Nice's observations. So stress will most definitely produce female pollen, if that's what we're talking about and not true hermies.
Bingo!!........................you just won yourself a Hans Panel...............just come down I95 and pick it up froggy:P


Well-Known Member
Iv read HID will make your penis smaller and LED makes it bigger, iv been using HID so long im fucked , thinkin bout makin a trip to cali to do some naked sunbathing in greengeenes grow room under all his apaches to get back to a respectable 1.5".

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
Iv read HID will make your penis smaller and LED makes it bigger, iv been using HID so long im fucked , thinkin bout makin a trip to cali to do some naked sunbathing in greengeenes grow room under all his apaches to get back to a respectable 1.5".
Damn... that isn't respectable in California we got a lot of black people heres.


Well-Known Member
Iv read HID will make your penis smaller and LED makes it bigger, iv been using HID so long im fucked , thinkin bout makin a trip to cali to do some naked sunbathing in greengeenes grow room under all his apaches to get back to a respectable 1.5".
One thing is for sure ...
I got to grow a dick under both my armpits ,while exposed to led radiation ....
Now ,I can satisfy three ladies at the same time !
Ain't that just awesome ?
LEDS do Decrease chance of Hermaphrodites in Cannabis Sativa.
And can also induce three dick mutation in males of Homo Sapiens Sapiens .


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was wondering, do you have a link to that article? Perhaps I was being a dick... or this is just a joke thread. lol

I could swear my webcam was turned off. :roll:

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure ...
I got to grow a dick under both my armpits ,while exposed to led radiation ....
Now ,I can satisfy three ladies at the same time !
Ain't that just awesome ?
LEDS do Decrease chance of Hermaphrodites in Cannabis Sativa.
And can induce three dick mutation in males of Homo Sapiens Sapiens .
The terpenes stop it form hermieng out