LED's are they mostly the same ?

Hey what light did you go with?
It was a hypothetical question to make a point about how man people would actually answer it without going into left field. I actually got a Nextlight core for free. I use it in a 3x3 which its rated for (4x4 veg, 3x3 flower). If I feel like the effort is worth it I plan to move it to a 2x2 and buy a better light for the 3x3. I liked the post from OSBuds that showed the best grow lights, and I think for me around $800 is a practical limit.
Yup. Paid $80 a pack (cad) normally

Now these dudes using the best tents and filters in the world drove up the prices because they are suckers.
You might be interested in checking Purple City Genetics out. A bit more expensive that what you're paying, but not too much. They are based in the Bay Area in California, so I get their seeds and cuts locally, but they have an International site too:

Main site is: https://purplecitygenetics.com/
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I wasn't asking a question. If you read my post and understood it you would have known that it was a hypothetical question used to add emphasis to the point I was making. I tried to point the OP in a good direction and point out that not many people would offer solid advice. I didn't fail reading comprehension, I try to respond to people who reply back at me. Maybe you should have a smoke and mello out, you seam to be the but hurt type! I'm the try to help and be anyone's friend, but you don't want me for an enemy type!

Semper Fi

You know what? I understood everything you said just fine. Especially your pathetic " but you don't want me for an enemy type!" comment.

Am I supposed to be scared and make sure I only post what will prevent you from becoming my enemy? I don't give a rats ass if you're an enemy or not. Are we in grade school? Too funny.

If you're going to call someone butthurt then use it properly.

"He's butthurt because nobody gives a rats ass what he has to say."

"Don't kill him but hurt him bad."

See the difference?

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You might be interested in checking Purple City Genetics out. A bit more expensive that what you're paying, but not too much. They are based in the Bay Area in California, so I get their seeds and cuts locally, but they have an International site too:

Main site is: https://purplecitygenetics.com/
Screenshot - 2021-06-06T140046.237.png
I just won one of these LED's on another site but know nothing about them.......

Looks pretty decent, especially for free. The fixture might be a tight squeeze if someone was trying to fit it into one of those "4x4" tents which is really not quite 48-inches wide.
17¢ per kWh is cheap here. I pay over double that at times.
Yup. Right now PGE, if on time of use B, it’s pretty much 26 cents a kwh. .25/.27
Going right back to around .27 off peak, .37 peak here very soon.
TOU-B is still the best for me. Some serious bullshit :-(

but what’s worse IMO, is in mid year 2018, before they burned me and my whole town down, they started reporting cash payments to the irs. Fuckers.
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I've seen that chart. They use 17¢ per kWh. Which is extremely high and makes the numbers for the electricity cost higher than they actually are for many people. I pay just slightly more than 0.04¢ per kWh for power during off-peak hours. That $1,684 electricity cost is more like $400 or $133 a year so basically $10 a month to run my 600 watt HPS which provides plenty of light in a 4 x 4.
Lucky, in San Diego we just hit summer rates on June 1, 27cents a kwh!