The way I see it indoor growing is mostly caused by prohibition and only sustainable while we have a cheap source of energy. A green house grow would be a much better compromise to grow medical marijuana.
(...)Differences Indoor/Outdoor Cannabinoid Levels
Results showed no differences in cannabinoid levels between Known Provenance seizures from indoor or outdoor grown crops, although there was much cross-over in distributions, and there was a trend towards higher THCtot values in indoor grown seizures(...)
^^^^ LEDS came to change that fact ,considerably ...
Indoor Artificial Horticulture also offers :
-All year round cultivation.
- Almost any type of 'environment' can be replicated.
-Pest free ,Heavy metal free ,clean ,pure, of highest quality herb .
The Effect of Electrical Lighting Power and Irradiance on Indoor-Grown Cannabis Potency and Yield
Abstract: The floral development and potencies [Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contents] of cannabis plants were compared when grown indoors under high-pressure sodium lamps consuming electrical power at three densities (270, 400, and 600 W/m2). After a 3-week vegetative phase, plants were grown for 8 weeks, with lamps maintaining an artificial day length of 12 h. Foliar and floral yields were measured. Gas chromatography was used to measure the content of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC.
Mean yields per unit of electrical power in each lighting regime ranged from 0.9 to 1.6 g/W, the highest being achieved in the lowest irradiance regime. The individual potencies of the separated leaf and flower materials were not affected by increasing irradiance. However, there was a corresponding increase in the overall potency of the aerial plant tissue. This was because of the plants in brighter conditions producing a higher proportion of floral material.
Once more :
Light Quantity (Irradiance) affects yields .( floral biomass produced)
Light Quality (Spectrum ) affects potency.
HPS has a shitty light quality for maintaining mj potent over successive generations .
LEDS can actually increase mj potency over just few successive generations ..
I can keep posting lots (And I mean LOTS ! ) of researches ...
Am I going to make stupid people ,become smart ?
No ....
So ...
Better leave them ,to float happily in their absence of knowledge and understanding ...
Leave them to grow and enjoy their herb ,the way they want ...
. mine- and every led grower's - is bigger and better,anyway ....
I don't care for them ,their
High Intensity Dildos or their crappy weed ...
I do not know a single person going HPS => LED=> HPS ...
On the contrary I'm only seeing HPS=>LED=>LED#2=>LED#3 ....
There has to be a reason for that ,eh ?
Once you try LED herb ,you just can't go back to the crap ...
And yes ...
Compared to LED herb ?
Everything else is crap..
C-R-A-P !
(.....and probably it suits the internals of some people's skulls .... ...)
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein