led supplement with philips 3100k cdl- suggestions


Well-Known Member
Im currently running a philips 3100k straight threw within a 4x4 x6'6.
Im new to this set up and about to start another round to really find out.
but im thinking I'd like more light.

I have read that the beauty of these is when mixed with hps' s spectum.
but im avoiding hps, not based of tried and true methods of the last 30 years.
but based on the heat emited and there now being new technology.

So I think I'd like some more light, and 2-3100k bulbs is a little much for a 4x4 I've been told.
i thought about 1@ 3100k and 1@ 4200k

But im wondering about cob's or quantom boards @ 2700k
4 cobs @50w@2700k
20" square over a 4x4 @ 18" ??