LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

Aww bummer dawg! What went wrong with the party cup?
Me LOL.Ok Basicly My Tarpoot Got Burned By My Led Is What Im Thinking.Thats My Fault Should Have Started Her In Rockwool First.Was Using A Cheap Azz Pump It Burnt Out.I Will Let Yall know Ive Already Hook Up A 20 Gallon Pump To It And It Work So Much Better And Keeps The Bottom 7/8 Of My Hydroton Wet.So Beware Im Already Getting Ready For the Next Round
Unrequested Update - Day 10:
For no specific reason I decided to top one of the bagseeds. What can I say, I'm trying all sorts of shit I normally wouldn't on these cup entries.
partycup018.jpg partycup019.jpg

^^^Missing something, buddy?
hey Amax I THINK if you are to top the plant when 12/12 from seed, it's a good idea to do it early, as early as you did might even be the best because the plant is not transitioning from veg to flower for a little while. I was going to take a picture this morning but then I thought I would just wait a few more days for the actual update, not much to show, I am probably behind most of you guys. The 2 that came out first have a beautiful green colour, and they look like they are going to be strong plants, the other 2 I had to help them last night, they were growing with helmets!

dunno what to say about the missing leaves, it happened to me, the new growth should be normal!
That is good to hear. I literally just got done reading a thread where someone said that you shouldn't top when doing 12/12 from seed, no less in a party cup. Naturally when someone tells me I can't do something, I go ahead and check for myself. hehe. I have never topped this early but I see no reason why not. And my thinking was the same as yours, That they would have a better chance at recovering earlier than later. We will see.

I was going to top two of them hoping that when I'm able to sex them that at least one of them would be a girl but I decided on just the one.

Those missing leaves don't really concern me I just didn't notice until now. I'm sitting here this morning looking at the girls and I'm like "wait, wait, is that only two leaves?" So I knew I had to post something.

I'm a picture whore. You have no idea how much restraint it takes for me not to post updates every day. I can't wait for the first official updates this weekend.

hey Amax I THINK if you are to top the plant when 12/12 from seed, it's a good idea to do it early, as early as you did might even be the best because the plant is not transitioning from veg to flower for a little while. I was going to take a picture this morning but then I thought I would just wait a few more days for the actual update, not much to show, I am probably behind most of you guys. The 2 that came out first have a beautiful green colour, and they look like they are going to be strong plants, the other 2 I had to help them last night, they were growing with helmets!

dunno what to say about the missing leaves, it happened to me, the new growth should be normal!
LMAO...glad I'm not the only camera whore in this bunch. I must say this is all interesting to read and see, topping this early, will be watching to see the effects and reactions. Thought about doing at two weeks old as I wanted a bit more growth.
The wife came home yesterday with my party cups... Only 16 days after I asked her for them. *Eyeroll*


The cups I'm using atm are clear red. You can see the soil through them. Because of this all my party cup girls are double sleeved in those cheap ass cups. I had intentions of just popping them out of those cups are tossing them into these cups... Is it even worth it or is my OCD just fucking with me?
yeah I think its worth it, ... I would duct tape all around so the roots dont get light and when the plant is mature enough to transplant you should do it ... or I guess just the duct taped cup would be fine all the way, ...
I am down to 3, I killed one of my reg seed trying to remove the helmet, ... I think I dont germ my seeds long enough, lately it has been happening quite a bit where the seedling is trying to grow but its got a dry shell on its head and just cannot make it on its own (or maybe it would?)! the other one I had to help was damaged a little but it will do just fine, its alive!!
yeah I think its worth it, ... I would duct tape all around so the roots dont get light and when the plant is mature enough to transplant you should do it ... or I guess just the duct taped cup would be fine all the way, ...

Thanks for the advice End. I doubled up the cups and that has been an easy fix so far but I really want them in the solo cups. Plus I like that the cups are white inside. That extra half inch of reflection is huge! (hahaha) Once these girls are a bit more established I'll make the move. oh yes, +rep.

I am down to 3, I killed one of my reg seed trying to remove the helmet, ... I think I dont germ my seeds long enough, lately it has been happening quite a bit where the seedling is trying to grow but its got a dry shell on its head and just cannot make it on its own (or maybe it would?)! the other one I had to help was damaged a little but it will do just fine, its alive!!

I think I'm doing the same thing. It seems the first day I see a taproot these days I immediately get them into soil. I used to leave them in the napkin a few days until the taproot was nice and long. Result? Having problems with the new seeds that i didn't have in the past including those stubborn helmets that keep ripping my girls "heads" off.
I am down to 3, I killed one of my reg seed trying to remove the helmet, ... I think I dont germ my seeds long enough, lately it has been happening quite a bit where the seedling is trying to grow but its got a dry shell on its head and just cannot make it on its own (or maybe it would?)! the other one I had to help was damaged a little but it will do just fine, its alive!!
I would compare that seed with a helmet with a sea turtle or a snake getting out of its egg shell, if it does make it then it's chances of survival should be higher. Unfurtantley, if it doesn't get passed the shell, it wasn't meant to be :/

Survival of the fittest
Well, unbeknownst to me the soil I used for my plants initially had some nutes already in it. I transplanted two into a different soil mixture and left the other and so far they seem fine aside from one which looks a bit rusty and side. Pulling for you buddy.

And of course, the clones. Looking ever so pretty. Going to have to transplant these buggers to a bigger pot soon.

The frontrunner is the big fat fatty in the first and second last photos. Looking healthy as hell with minimal stretch.
I am down to 3, I killed one of my reg seed trying to remove the helmet, ... I think I dont germ my seeds long enough, lately it has been happening quite a bit where the seedling is trying to grow but its got a dry shell on its head and just cannot make it on its own (or maybe it would?)! the other one I had to help was damaged a little but it will do just fine, its alive!!

I do the soma method and it works good. Put the seed in a cup of water for a day. Should crack while in there. If it does not crack open, thats ok. Next day swirl water around. If seed sinks that means its good. Then throw seed in soil or rapid rooter (what I use). I put plug in a party cup of soil. Make sure the seed is barely covered by soil so no light hits the seed. Water enough to get wet. It will pop out in a few days. After a week the helmet will fall off on naturaly on its own.

Good luck happy yard work.
ok!! I think I wasnt patient enough with the helmets to fall off on their own, or maybe I wasnt planting my seeds deep enough anymore!! I am still getting a high % of success. Thanks Hyroot, happy yard work, always!!
So it's update time...Party Grow 3 001.jpgParty Grow 3 002.jpgParty Grow 3 004.jpgParty Grow 3 005.jpgParty Grow 3 007.jpg The 2 biggest are bag seed that popped 2 days in germination and are roughly 2 weeks old the other 4 are a week old and they are 2 bag seeds, a Pineapple Chunk, and a Mystery Seed (freebie).


they are still on the smaller side but all healthy! the train wreck is recovering ... all is good!
shes no where near the size of other rowers in this competetion, but in due time im sure she will start picking up especially now that i
added two kessils 150
red and purple
i put a stem in there and trained her to wrap around it, early LST
started feed today with a flowerin mix
hope she responds well

check update on sig yos