Ok, So I couldn't wait until Sunday. I decided to gently dig up the Critical+ today to see what was going on.
Found the seed, The same way I left it, no change. The taproot was brown/black. While I was looking at it a tiny, thin, white, for lack of a better word, "worm" started moving on the taproot. It was
TINY. White with a black head. Not a maggot from what I can tell. Anyway it looked like it was feeding on the taproot or something.
I tossed the entire cup. So it's official, The Critical+ is out before it started.
Unrequested Update:

^^^ In Order: Group Shot, Bagseed #1, #2, #3, #4 & Super Haze.
#1 was still wearing her helmet so I took it off myself. The rest are all stretching like bandits. I lowered my panel closer to them.
(I was just gonna say I was gonna plant those stretchy stems lower, But I forgot we aren't replanting.)