LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread


Well-Known Member
I have never had such a fast grow! They will take about 30ish days from seed to show sex but usually when they show sex they are still fairly small and will take slightly longer to flower than what the breeder says. I am starting to realise that strain with some Sativas in the genetic will yield better 12/12 from seed... indicas dont have enough time to get big before they flower, maybe if I was to lollipop them with 2+ plants per container I would get better results with the pure indicas. Puffs plant was on Steroid! with the right genetic and the right grower, I am sure it could be re done all the time.
I believe Endo is on to something with the genetics of the plants. These crazy ass bitches I got are draggin ass and keep throwin new pistols but don't seem to be gaining much in size.
I don't know. My tall bitch is obviously showing her inner sativa but #2 is clearly indica dom... Given that they both are growing so differently It's hard to say which is putting on more weight or responding better to 12/12 from seed but what I do know is they both have been on the same schedule regardless. They both started showing pistils around the same time. They both stopped their stretch at the same time. And I am happy to report that I'm now starting to see pistils turning amber on both of them. So I don't know what to make of it. No doubt genetics play a big role in this but I dont see it being a sativa/indica thing. I just don't know...

Pics from a couple days ago when I chopped her down and did the wet weigh-in. Should be dry in another 3 or 4 days and then I'll do the official weight. The roots afterward. I am pleasantly satisfied with this little cup, she just chugged on the whole time, couldn't have asked for much else in a 16oz cup!

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Nice, puff! That thing looks like Swamp Thing's cock! I still think she is going to yield more than 14g, She just looks so big!


Active Member
Damn Puff nice finish! Way to rock out a 16oz cup! After drying you should fill the cup back up and snap a pic:weed: Now that would be a party cup


Well-Known Member
Eraserhead mentioned something about the next competition (offering to give the prize to the winner...)

Brent at FERO is being very generous with me, the prize (AF-150) for the winner of this competition is part of a deal I made with him when I purchased the AF600 and the 336x3. Also being a returning customer, I might have been one of the first few grower to own a FERO light (ok maybe not!!) when I bought my 4G-180, who knows...I guess Brent knows!!. So basically, I dont have to pay for the light and I chose to give it away to the winner of this competition.

I am smoking some super lemon haze as I am typing this post and its taking me forever to write it (I am having to edit it too...), holy shit it s good stuff that I am smoking, organically grown with LEDs, who said LEDs dont work?

To answer your question buddy, next competition is starting as soon as someone set it up, just like I did.

Until then, happy growing:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Eraserhead mentioned something about the next competition (offering to give the prize to the winner...)

Brent at FERO is being very generous with me, the prize (AF-150) for the winner of this competition is part of a deal I made with him when I purchased the AF600 and the 336x3. Also being a returning customer, I might have been one of the first few grower to own a FERO light (ok maybe not!!) when I bought my 4G-180, who knows...I guess Brent knows!!. So basically, I dont have to pay for the light and I chose to give it away to the winner of this competition.

I am smoking some super lemon haze as I am typing this post and its taking me forever to write it (I am having to edit it too...), holy shit it s good stuff that I am smoking, organically grown with LEDs, who said LEDs dont work?

To answer your question buddy, next competition is starting as soon as someone set it up, just like I did.

Until then, happy growing:bigjoint:
Excuse my silliness, I was smoking the main cola from this plant:



Well-Known Member
Ok, First things first. The Super Haze has got out of hand and with #2 doing so well I've decided to pull her from the competition. Lets hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot with this decision. heh. The Super Haze has been doing as well as can be expected I just couldn't control the stretch and it's a tight fit. I originally moved the Super Haze to the big tent for the sole purpose of taking photos (You'll see why in a minute) and I decided, fuck it, I'm leaving her there. Exactly the way she is. So from now on it's all about Bagseed #2. (Why do I always think Mambo #5?)

Super Haze: Now departing from the competition. Don't laugh. :-P
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Bagseed #2: She has the tent to herself! I'm blasting this bitch hard with the nutes + molasses. As much as she can take and then some. I'm over doing it a bit but I'm not letting up! Muahaha! She has packed on the weight this past week but trich production is a bit lacking. Some pistils are starting to turn and she is smelling up the place. All in all I'm proud of this little bitch. I hope she smokes good. I scoped her earlier and trichs are 35/65 clear/cloudy with no amber from what I can see. She is further along than I thought.
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PS - Anyone notice the indoor growing description now says Growing under HID lights? Funny thing is the day after that description was added we had a guy post a cfl thread. lol. You can't win.

Looking forward to the updates, puff daddy has set the bar!


Well-Known Member
Shit. Just realized the other tent has the AKR in it and is running 20/4. Now I don't know what to do with the Super Haze.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Amaximus! That Super Haze is something else...throw her outside if possible. If not, back to the led room I suppose? You think of mambo #5 because we all need a little bit of monica in our lives.


Active Member
im so impressed by your guys cups and what not. puff is setting the bar i must say. next comp im entering i cant wait to see how it goes and how this one ends.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Amaximus! That Super Haze is something else...throw her outside if possible. If not, back to the led room I suppose? You think of mambo #5 because we all need a little bit of monica in our lives.
Maybe even a little Erica by my side? lol.

Yeah, I tossed the Super Haze back in the led tent. Not much choice at this point. It's a weird fit now that the branch has bent and the cup is laying flat on its side. Oh well. At least the entire bottom of the tent is empty so #2 still has plenty of space.


Well-Known Member
im so impressed by your guys cups and what not. puff is setting the bar i must say. next comp im entering i cant wait to see how it goes and how this one ends.
I don't know what the plans are for the next competition but I'm hoping for LED Auto Grow or something similar. My sole panel with be in my veg tent so it's probably one of the only ways I'll be able to enter again... But if not I'll just sit back and watch the next round of guys battle it out.


Well-Known Member
Phew! Barely hit the 1/2 oz mark dry. Really happy with the outcome. So I probably could have fit a couple dozen (at least) more party cups in that space. That would have been a nice yield if they all came out like this one. I can post more pics if requested. I don't know, it's really hard to get good nugs shots, any pro photographers have any pointers?



Well-Known Member
Phew! Barely hit the 1/2 oz mark dry. Really happy with the outcome. So I probably could have fit a couple dozen (at least) more party cups in that space. That would have been a nice yield if they all came out like this one. I can post more pics if requested. I don't know, it's really hard to get good nugs shots, any pro photographers have any pointers?

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14.1g! Numbers! We have or first numbers! Woohoo! Nice job, puff. Those buds look dense and dank.
The only tip I can give you regarding photos is zoom in as much as possible and/or use macro mode in good lighting. :)

Coming along real well, unknown. Some solid looking buds. It looks like you'll be the next to harvest...

I'd imagine End will be next... And maybe sometime in January Tx and I will harvest. lol!

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Thats as quick as a good auto well impressed........
I always count it as 25% and often time I dont weight it again when dry. No bad surprise this way, I find it to be pretty accurate so far.

Nicely done Puffenuff, let us know how you like the smoke! To get mature buds in less than 80 days from seed(photoperiod?) and harvesting 1/2oz in a party cup is very impressive!!!


Well-Known Member
Update 12, here they are.
Party Grow 14  010.jpgParty Grow 14 011.jpgParty Grow 14 012.jpgParty Grow 14 013.jpgParty Grow 14 014.jpgParty Grow 14 015.jpgParty Grow 14 016.jpgParty Grow 14 017.jpgParty Grow 14 018.jpg
The last 2 pics are of the P.C., have had the same brown pistols for a week now. My Mystery Seed doesn't have any brown pistols.