Heat issues ....
Well ...
Covering the leds (and of course the metal core pcbs & heatsink surface ,that leds are installed to ..) ,
does impact cooling ...
Well ,to be more precise,at least if that is not "overridden" somehow ....
Swedish led grow panel designers ,are really a bunch of clever guys/girls ,there... !
They chose to cover the leds ,with a high quality screen and manage to "override " the possible heat issues ....
Led fixture case ,is actually covering the mcpcbs/heatsink of leds ...
Leaving only the leds exposed ,through a "grill " construction/design ....
So,actually case ,conducts heat from "ledside" ,which is covered with the polymer screen ....
Which heat in other case of exposed leds/mcpcbs/heatsink ,would have been radiated /convected to air ....
Indeed,clever thought & design ....
They have taken into account ,the possible heat issues ,generated by covering the leds with a screen ...
Other designers ( i.e like myself or Mr.Hans ) choose not to cover the leds with a screen ,but do protect them (as much as possible ),
utilising other methods ....
Building a "top seated, grilled ,kinda case -kinda heatsink " to cover the mcpcbs/heatsink and serve as screen " holder " ,yes,it is a really good idea ...
But ...
As also good are other ideas ...
With their own "limitations " & "advantages"- pros 'n' cons - ,of course .....