
Im just looking for some feedback here.

I am going to start my first grow. I'm not to sure which is better.
I have heard alot of things about LED lights what do you recommend?


New Member
HPS all the way. LEDs are over priced right now and they don't produce as much as an HPS. I'd suggest at least a 400 watt but if you only wanna grow 1 or 2 plants a 150 or 250 will suffice


Active Member
It depends on how much money you have to spend out of the gate. If you have the money, go with LED. Look into Guru or 357Mag lights. LED cost more off the bat, but to get the same amount of usage from a HID light it will literally cost you 10x as much. With quality (key term) LED lights you won't have to worry about anything but replacing them in 10 years on a 12/12 schedule, 7.5 years on a 18/6, and 5 years on a 24/0 schedule. The money you would spend on bulbs alone for a HID setup to last that long is more than you would spend on the LED light, not to mention the larger ventilation equipment, A/C or home A/C costs, and the cost of electricity in comparison.

LED is where it's at nowadays. There's plenty of LED grows on here and on the Tube for you to see the results for yourself. [video=youtube;qRkIz7Ou9NY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRkIz7Ou9NY[/video]

IDK about you, but over 1gram per watt is more than success when 1gr/watt is considered perfect. If you have the money, go LED all the way.


Well-Known Member
I want led !

ive been looking at some of ther smaller units for just one plant......

they look the shit !


Well-Known Member
Picking whats best for you really depends on your situation. If you live somewhere really warm HPS could be awkward, but it is worth it. But another option if you have the $crilla to spend would be a larger LED unit.

Dont expect to get a conclusive answer, if you can handle a HPS lamp's heat then use one of them. You'll save alot of money. If you cant handle the heat from a HPS, then consider an LED.

They both basically do the same job in the end, with advantages annd disadvantages to both...the question you should be asking is what will suit my situation best.

Hope this helps and welcome aboard.

EDIT: Oh and purely so you know, if you have like REALLY big money to spend, go to Google and search for "Sulphur Plasma Grow Light"...now that will be the next big thing.


Active Member
LED does not give bigger yields than HPS... atleast not watt for watt... sure you can stack LED's all up and get higher yields, but you will spend thousands doing so. You can buy a decent HPS system for $2-300 bucks. There are lots of cheap LED systems out there, do not waste your money or your time with these. if you are gonna go LED then make sure you get the right stuff, again you will spend some serious money to get an HPS comparable yield.


Well-Known Member
looks to me like led gives bigger yields.
Thats not an entirely accurate statement. SOME of them may give better yields in the hands of some people, but generally speaking, they're just lights, its all about the grower using them and how they use them.


Well-Known Member
Where the hell you get that from?
the website of the maker, users comments.


Customer Reviews​
Average Rating
View All Reviews
blew the penetrator 345w out of the water

bought 1 magnum in january to supplement my grow using 2 penetrator 345w. plants under the magnum averaged 1.7oz per plant, plants under the penetrators averaged .8oz. thought you might like to know this because the owner cammie talked some serious shit about you guys when i told her i was considering ordering a magnum instead of a third penetrator.​

Reviewed by: Jack from Washington. on 6/19/2011​
The 357 is an amazing light!

I bought 10 357's for my medical grow replacing 10 600w HPS. Wasn't so sure at first that it would do the job but now that everything is down you can count on another order for 10 more. I am extremely impressed with your 357, I am a customer for life!​

Reviewed by: Derek from Oregon. on 6/13/2011​
these lights are the shit!

using 2 of these lights i've seen over a pound pulled off 9 plants. they definitely do what they say they do. i cant wait till i have enough cash to buy another.​

Reviewed by: Rian from san diego ca. on 6/11/2011​


As always, hps vs led is like pissing on a hornets nest. I hope you do well with your hps, but don't count out led in the future as they are pulling big numbers for the amount of power consumed.


Well-Known Member
when i have the money i AM going to try led, so i know for myself, without asking or having to be told.


Well-Known Member
when i have the money i AM going to try led, so i know for myself, without asking or having to be told.
No disrespect ment, but thats good for you, you buy LEDs, but this thread isnt about you...I think the OP was looking for some actual replies.


Well-Known Member
No disrespect ment, but thats good for you, you buy LEDs, but this thread isnt about you...I think the OP was looking for some actual replies.
correct, and with that in mind, he might appreciate a little debate on the led system, seeing as that is one of his considerations.


Well-Known Member
Theres plenty of threads of LED/HPS bashing.

The truth of the matter with LED's is if you can handle the heat off a HPS then LED's are pointless, cos they both grow pot (similar quantities watt for watt as HID in a small setting) but there is a big price difference. But if you live in a very warm place/have lots of money anyways, then LED's are an option for you.

Its all down to the persons situation and/or preference at this point.