Led lights ???


Hey, just wondered if anyone has had any success growing with LED grow lights ? I've got three super silver haze seeds germinating as we speak, all I have just now is a cheap ass 14 watt LED panel I got off ebay. I know that it's nowhere near good enough to see plants through to the end i'm just using it for the first couple weeks til I can afford a better one but still haven't got a fortune to spend and I can't afford a hike in my electricity, would it be okay to use stronger LED lights and sacrifice yield or would I be wasting my time ? I've only grown one plant before and it was an absolute disaster I did no research whatsoever and the results were embarrassing to say the least. Any help/advice/opinions very gratefully received, thank you kindly :hug:


Well-Known Member
You would be better off getting an ECO CFL 300w

Electricity doesnt cost that much to run lights

I run a 600w HPS with RVK fans and oscilating fans and it costs me £12 a month extra using direct debit.



Thanks very much for replying. Knowing that it won't cost the earth in electricity I'm willing to invest in a better light than I was planning anyway. Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
Your welcome

If you need any further help ie Grow room design and setup please feel free to ask me either on here or in a PM and i will gladly help you out.

If you plan on running an HPS or something similar then you will need to ventilate your growing environment which means buying Inline fans etc. So when or if you ever get confused about how to attack just ask,



lol it's not much better than a christmas light :-S have nearly saved the money for a 300w cfl as jondamon advised. Tried talkin myself into a HPS but wouldn't be able to ventilate properly and this is my first proper run so i'll keep it simple. Thanks for the link bigv i don't think they ship to uk but much appreciated x