LED lighting


Well-Known Member
no experience with em but from the like five threads on her about leds i have read i can tell you they are nothin but junk. i have seen a few comparisons where a 90w ufo and sixty watts of other led lights were compared with a 150w hps both on one plant each, yield as well as quality were about the same but the lighting alone fot the led setup was like seven hundred bucks while the 150w hps runs about 70-80 bucks. good technology to keep an eye on though


Well-Known Member
guy at the hydro shop has one set up with a tomato plant. its funny because there is also a 400w hps about a foot away and the plant is desperately leaning towards the hps. I laugh everytime I go in there!


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt dual MH/HPS light as my primary lighting. BUT I have 225 LED grow panels (all blue for veg all red for flower) All around the plants. Ive noticed different pros and cons to these. You have to look very closely into the NANOMETERS NM the LED produces. NM refers to the color of light they're putting out. I think optimum for a plant is 425 violet( OR BLUE) and 670 Red. The LED panels I have are 450Nm blue and 650Nm red. They are 13 watts each. I also have PAR38 Flood light LED same Nm. While the growth still is straight up towars the 400watt bulb the leaves themselves are facing the much weaker LED lights almost bending the top requireing rotation daily.

The UFO light in specific looks like it might be better served in the flowering stages due to the high red light content and the Nm colors being further from optimum. However at 90 watts it should be able to support A plant. A plant being one. Mine are at 13 and I could probable get away with 3 panels or lights on these until flowering if I don't veg over 12 inches.

My conclusion = LED great for supplemental lighting
pros: provides more 'Usable' light, and can target the spectrum to be perfect. Bulbs run extremely cool, can have within an inch of plants, and will not burn if contacted by the leaves. LED can achieve the elusive 410-430 Nm(violet) color range because it is a mixture of two colors, (red and blue) MH and HPS cant do this TO MY KNOWLEGE. Lumens per watt are amazing! Nasa endorsed.

cons: BUT cost per light is higher than its production, and you'd need a ton to support more than a few plants. Its still not developed enough to be a cost effective choice for growing outside of commercial use.

I have not used the UFO advertised in high times, I have used other LED type lights thats all I can vouche for.

My plants have grown up to and flush against these lights and panels and they DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get hot enough to burn the plants.

LEDwarehouse.com is where I got all of mine, copy the item names and check ebay, he sells them there alittle cheaper sometimes. They're shipping is very fast, communication however not so good. I've made multiple purchases from here.
Atwaterhydro.net has a 400 watt ballast socket combo that runs both HPS and TRUE(not conversion) MH bulbs, theres a switch to choose, its roughly 140$ plus bulbs, which you can get on ebay for about 15-20$