Looks like a cool light...no pun intended lol
But there's no distributors and they don't answer the phone or call you back. That's a big issue for me, gotta have customer service.
You called them? Listen bro. Do not act on everything these guys tell you. That light is A POS. #'s don't line up, its 2.23 umol/j with being water cooled. WTF! You can get this Greenhouse supplemental designed light in 4' @ 2.6umol/j just about anywhere using listed high end-diodes. Its a high bay greemhouse light with a shitty spectrum.
If they used high-end components & water cooled it, it could hit 3.3 umol/j probably using the basic HE spectrum.
Garbo dude. Heat reduction is best done by proper/beefy thermal mngmt/finned, spacing diodes, and remote drivers unless you want all that other fancy stuff.
Amare techs Bar-8 is the very top of the food-chain. Fancy as it gets too. The only ones who deny that are those who are sweating 3rd party testing. Which is basically not done yet just to tick off these haters. I have the sphere tests, it's legit. Par-meter shows it outperforming everything else i put it against in ppfd all while still having monos's used to enhance the spectrum beyond just 1 white + 660nm. Stays allot cooler to so no need for water cooling.
With that Agentix light you're paying for all the other tricks it does by having a controller & sensor. Nothing I need for sure.
You saw the Data sheets I posted, no? If you could see the flowers man & how the spectrum doe not cause Bonzi plants, allowing for more light in the plant after stretch & the difference in quality can be seen simply in photos by the increased bag appeal.
Check it out:
Up To usually means when its dimmed but I may be wrong here

Basic HE spectrum n does not even have n/ir.

Not Sure what Double-Density means? Still don't cut the mustard.
Come by the SBS :
Hello Fellow Growers!. First off I'd like to Give Big Shout Out To Victor @ Amare & Stephen from HLG for everything. Just Everything!. Stand up guys, great companies, offering quality products & service as long as I've known. Both innovative & focus on making Premium LEDs. Also would like to...