led light help please.


Active Member
i am new to led growing and after doing some research, i have a few questions. It seems that there are led panels and circular lights. which light provides the best light coverage?Also does anyone know if hydro or soil works better for led growing.


Well-Known Member
Circular lights (UFOs) usually have less power than panels and cover less sq ft. You really have to look at different companies and their specs. There are a few LED threads on this forum that can help you choose. LED can be used for hydro or soil.


Active Member
I have a circular style LED myself. It's called the Supernova. Enhanced Spectrum 270W. It's no UFO! It's a lot better and more powerful than any UFO led I've seen. Currently on my third grow with this light. Third grow ever for that matter. First two grows I used FF ocean forest soil. I switched to coco which I am loving and so are the plants. As for other styles of LED I don't know. I have experience with this light only and I am happy with it. My first grow was 3 autos(1EasyRyder and 2Onyx) and I yielded 5.2oz. Dried and cured. Second grow was 5 autos(1haze auto 2 Onyx and 2 Easyryder) and I yielded 5.9oz. Dried and cured. Currently growing 1 LSD and 1 Blue Mystic. Curious to see how the supernova performs with regular type strains. Good luck with your search and do your research. I believe you gotta spend a little if you want a good Quality LED light! Check out the 357 magnum LED's. They seem to be pretty good from what I've seen.


Well-Known Member
I have a 3w 180w panel and it is awesome so far. Still vegging first crop with it, only 2 plants but they are loving life under it. The more watts you go with the greater coverage area you'll get. Having never used the ufo type models, im guessing you can get more creative with the placement of it, especially if you decide to use more than one because they are smaller in size. My recommendation is do lots of independent research on the companies, choose one with good quality lights (cree, bridgelux, or similar), find one with a good warranty, and make sure you can call and actually speak to someone at the company. I totally agree with ChroniCDooM about spending a little extra to get a good quality light.

You can use any type of medium you wish, but know that the led lights give off very little heat so whatever medium you choose will not dry out fast at all. personally I use coco and the plants are doing great under the combination of led light and coco. Check out my journal if you get a chance.


Active Member
so it seems most people grow auto-flowers under led is this the best choice? also does anybody know about the sunshine systems growpanel45?


Well-Known Member
so it seems most people grow auto-flowers under led is this the best choice? also does anybody know about the sunshine systems growpanel45?
Not sure why other people chose autoflowers, but here's why I went with them: I wanted smaller plants due to limited space, and speedier plants seemed like a good test for a first time LED grow.

And since autoflowers require the light to be on ALOT more than traditional strains, running the LED is just a smart choice for these plants when it comes to the electricity bill. I might be way off, but I also think that the LED light provided to the plants creates less space inbetween nodes on them, and really packs the undergrowth nicely. Just my observations from my first LED grow, but also my first autoflower grow too, so I'm interested in hearing what others have to say...