so back to the original question kinda : what LED setup replaces a 600w HPS for flowering. I take off the $400 limit, but i want to know what it takes to replace HPS with LED on a serious scale.
It depends on how efficient you want your setup to be, and how much heat is an issue for your grow space.
You can buy early-generation lights that are based on 3W chips driven at 1.2W each. These are relatively inefficient (~ 20-25%) and you'll probably need more like 1200W of these to replicate the lighting power of a 600W HPS system. An example of something like this is Mars II. It seems to be commonly agreed upon that you're much better off using HPS than these.
You can buy previous-generation lights based on 5W LEDs that are driven at ~3W each. They are also relatively inefficient (~ 30-35%) and you may need around 800W of these to replicate the 600W HPS. Black Dog LEDs are an example of these.
Despite the above LEDs being less efficient (and therefore generating more heat per actual Watt), they direct less heat at your plant canopy than HPS so they may provide desired heat reduction for some growers.
You could also choose LEDs that are as efficient or more efficient than HPS. These are significantly more expensive to purchase than HPS+ballast+etc., but may have lower electrical costs on an ongoing basis, as well as a much longer lifespan (50,000-100,000 hours (20 years of use perhaps? vs 6 months for HPS bulb replacement), so you may see cost savings over the life of the fixture.
You can buy lights that are based on Vero 29 V2 COBs that are hard-driven.
The efficiency is approximately the same as HPS (~40%) so you will need about the same number of Watts drawn from the wall, ~600, and you will get away with paying 800-1000.
A supplier of this kind of light is Area51 (although it should be noted that they are phasing out their V29-based lighting products). There may be others but I don't know the company names.
You can use lights that are based on Cree CXB3070 or CXB3590 that are softly-driven.
The efficiency is approximately 50-60%, so you'll only need about 2/3 to 3/4 the number of Watts, or about 400-450Ws worth. These are the most expensive (the LEDs are themselves more expensive than the other types, and since they're being driven at lower amperages, you need more of 'em) costing around $1500. There are a good number of vendors now selling these.
You can also build your own grow light(s) using either Vero or Cree LED technology, and to DIY will cost about half what buying then ready-built does.
If these are outside your budget, best to stick to HPS - prices should drop over the next couple of years.
Hope that helps!