LED light comparison


Well-Known Member
After reading Adjorr's thread I bought this 300 watt LED on ebay for $172.
Rolled the dice and it seems to be working great so far.


5 minute old pictures - 3 Blueberry plants all doing very well. If they look droopy at all it is because I foliar fed them about an hour ago. I took the pic through my Lummii hps glasses. I should pull them out and take pictures, the color is great - these are healthy plants. .
I have more light and slightly less heat in my tiny veg area.


Well-Known Member
Looked at the ebay listing. Prices have come down a lot from a year ago. How noisy are the fans?


Well-Known Member
So who has the best bang for the buck? Area 51? Plantronics seems like a very well built unit, but seems to always be out of stock. Pricey as hell, too.
I like the warranty and my good communication with Jeff at A51. He sold me the SGS and has been there when I had questions. Good units with quality components are expensive, at least when there are just a few players. Like you said, prices will come down as the market share increases.

After reading Adjorr's thread I bought this 300 watt LED on ebay for $172.Rolled the dice and it seems to be working great so far.
Looking good Trouser. Organic soil is contributing as well to some really happy plants.

That wasn't an answer to my question but I'm glad you're building a fan base, that's a lot of views.
I'm not looking thru that entire thread to find your 2.1 gram per watt because quite frankly I think it's exaggerated but hey that's common here.
Guess your questions don't need an answer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Prosperian, the organic soil, the teas and aloe foliar spray have made for some of the healthiest plants I have grown.
They are doing very well and have spent their entire life under the LED.

Looked at the ebay listing. Prices have come down a lot from a year ago. How noisy are the fans?
Not bad at all. The fans are drowned out by my fan filter combo; hardly noticeable.
I may buy one to use out in my basement family room, where I veg garden plants and flowers. In the past I have used a T5.

I'm not getting rid of my 600 watt hps in my 3x3 tent, yet.
The 300 watt LED is doing better than my 250 watt hps + 161 watts of cfl with less heat.
In the Summer I can't really run my 600 watt hps and my veg room. I think I could get away with a 300 watt LED in my tent plus the one in my tiny veg room next Summer. That would help me build the bud stocks, which are quite low at this point. I'm down to a few ounces, but I am picking two plants in about 10 days or so.


Well-Known Member
I saw a video of a SolarStorm and the fans were gawd-awful loud. The guy was almost shouting over them. Too loud to have on the other side of the wall from my bedroom. It was 800w, tho.


Well-Known Member
That is a consideration as you will still need the filter fan combo for smell.
You can't really muffle LED fan noise without some sort of weird add on.

I can get away with a lot of fan noise since every thing is in my furnace room.


Well-Known Member
Lighthouse hydro combination of 500 and 600 watt models.
I use a 240 chrome for my veg room. I like them a lot and they aren't 1000.00 bucks.


Well-Known Member
That is a consideration as you will still need the filter fan combo for smell. You can't really muffle LED fan noise without some sort of weird add on. I can get away with a lot of fan noise since every thing is in my furnace room.
Using larger fans at slower speeds quiets them down. More efficient LEDs and bigger heat sinks eliminate the need for fans altogether. You can't hear a Plantronics 5 ft away.


Well-Known Member
I barely notice the sound of my LED lights, they are as loud as computer fans because essentialy that's what they are, the sound of my 4" fan drowns them out though. it all sorta blends together


Active Member
bumping this thread...and if we get a few more inputs on cheapo LED, I'd be happy...here is the thing: some of us will read and do our due diligence, but some of those threads get long and full of bullshit....if folks would chime in with realtime/real life reviews on cheapo units, then that's what we need.... yeah; you get what you pay for, and I'll cop the good shit for my main tent AND when prices/manufactures stabilize a lil bit...but for right now for a 2x3 clone mother tent and w/o all the fan/ temp control shit (for HID), we need advice on cheap shit + to you Ganja, trouses & prosperian


Active Member
After reading Adjorr's thread I bought this 300 watt LED on ebay for $172.
Rolled the dice and it seems to be working great so far.


5 minute old pictures - 3 Blueberry plants all doing very well. If they look droopy at all it is because I foliar fed them about an hour ago. I took the pic through my Lummii hps glasses. I should pull them out and take pictures, the color is great - these are healthy plants. .
I have more light and slightly less heat in my tiny veg area.
I went there and cool; the seller isn't playing the usual eBay trick: lower price padded with shipping cost (I hate that shit) ...now the thing is: if the dang thing last a couple yrs (and that's the rub with LED's isn't it? nobody know really how long the cheapo Asian stuff will actually last: MTBF)
bumping this thread...and if we get a few more inputs on cheapo LED, I'd be happy...here is the thing: some of us will read and do our due diligence, but some of those threads get long and full of bullshit....if folks would chime in with realtime/real life reviews on cheapo units, then that's what we need.... yeah; you get what you pay for, and I'll cop the good shit for my main tent AND when prices/manufactures stabilize a lil bit...but for right now for a 2x3 clone mother tent and w/o all the fan/ temp control shit (for HID), we need advice on cheap shit + to you Ganja, trouses & prosperian
This is an interesting thread because you've come on here, asking which is the best cheap shit out there. It's kind of funny. If you can't drop a little on good lights off the get go, then go with CFL until you can. Especially if you just need a veg LED, just about any cheap shit should work for you. It's the flowering phase where you really get bang for your buck. Advanced LED 350w XML with 10w CREEs and every spectrum plants need. Recouped initial investment from just 16 percent of my final yield on first grow, continuing to recoup savings in efficiency. Excellent heat sinks, no fan sounds, no heating issues. Came with several free extra LED bulbs that screw in to regular sockets--nice gift. This is four days ago.



Active Member
This is an interesting thread because you've come on here, asking which is the best cheap shit out there. It's kind of funny. If you can't drop a little on good lights off the get go, then go with CFL until you can. Especially if you just need a veg LED, just about any cheap shit should work for you. It's the flowering phase where you really get bang for your buck. Advanced LED 350w XML with 10w CREEs and every spectrum plants need. Recouped initial investment from just 16 percent of my final yield on first grow, continuing to recoup savings in efficiency. Excellent heat sinks, no fan sounds, no heating issues. Came with several free extra LED bulbs that screw in to regular sockets--nice gift. This is four days ago.

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Thread was tl; dr. Did you post where you got yours? Id be interested in this 10w led stuff. What kind of panel and all do you have? If it's a somewhat large panel. I might be interested. Since I'd need it to cover what my 1000w does. Or be able to fet 2-3 of em somewhat reasonably.


Active Member
This is an interesting thread because you've come on here, asking which is the best cheap shit out there. It's kind of funny. If you can't drop a little on good lights off the get go, then go with CFL until you can. Especially if you just need a veg LED, just about any cheap shit should work for you. It's the flowering phase where you really get bang for your buck. Advanced LED 350w XML with 10w CREEs and every spectrum plants need. Recouped initial investment from just 16 percent of my final yield on first grow, continuing to recoup savings in efficiency. Excellent heat sinks, no fan sounds, no heating issues. Came with several free extra LED bulbs that screw in to regular sockets--nice gift. This is four days ago.

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not attempting humor bro; the reason for asking about the cheap stuff is to mitigate cost risk while learning.... right now some of us can't justify spending on the quality stuff just to see the price drop in the next year or so....and CFL's are way over rated in so far as heat is concerned (for that matter same goes with their cousins: the T5) .... my understanding is LEDS are a lot cooler and I have a current need for LED's and can take "some" risk on a cheapo unit while in a trial and error mode....


Well-Known Member
I use a rule of thumb for how many lghts to get and use. It is 1 unit for ever 2x2 area and 60-100w of light for every plant, so for example a 240w can do 4 plants but more would be better, if u want 8 plants youd need 480-800w split between 2 or 3 units at least etc etc. my self im up to 120w per plant with 3 units in a 2x3 area


Active Member
I have a 4x4 tent thats 7ft tall. How many LED setups do I need to get the yields my 1000w that I have turned down to 750w would produce. Any brands and exact places you value you'd suggest? Im all ears.


Well-Known Member
Check out http://www.bonsaihero.com/ look specifically for his led grow panels he's been 5 years in the making and has posted successful grows that gram/graw outweigh hid lighting.
I just bought 3 of them myself I even talked/emailed the man who devoloped them himself. On the forum here and pretty much everywhere you go his panels are highly regarded.
I use a rule of thumb for how many lghts to get and use. It is 1 unit for ever 2x2 area and 60-100w of light for every plant, so for example a 240w can do 4 plants but more would be better, if u want 8 plants youd need 480-800w split between 2 or 3 units at least etc etc. my self im up to 120w per plant with 3 units in a 2x3 area
This sounds pretty specific to the brand (quality), and LED bulb wattage, and size of panel you're using. And I'm trying to crunch the numbers you provided but I'm coming up with huge question marks. If you only need one unit for a 2x2 area, and you're growing in a 2x3 area, with three panels, then... what panels are you using that one of them can't handle your 2x2 rule? One of my 350w panels can handle a 5x5 area as long as there's overlap coverage with another panel (ie that last half foot from 4.5 to 5 feet is double covered by the extra spread from the neighboring panel. Without the overlap, 4.5 x 4.5 is the quality coverage it's capable of; anything outside that range will still flower and do okay, but it won't be a hero plant by any means; just a healthy runt. 2x2 seems like it must be a really small panel with no spread. What lights are you using?