LED indoor floodlights,yes or no?


im just curious and haven't been able to find any real information on this.
What are everyones opinions on using indoor LED floodlights for growing cheaply instead of using expensive panels or ufos?
would this be at all effective sort of like using CFLs?
i would think that they could work quite well because they are available with the proper spectrums as well as having fairly strong intensity, they come with built in reflectors and lenses for magnifying the light.
what got me thinking about this is i have a friend who says he grows very succesfully using them but neither me or anyone else has seen his room to know the truth behind his words.

i am looking for someone(s) who have experice with this to say yay or nay, as well as provide reasoning to their answers. i believe this is a good area for discussion for those under a tight budget.
i look forward to hearing your responses


Well-Known Member
To be honest I think you'd be better of with fluoros. The cheapo LEDs are no more efficient than fluoros and probably even less efficient in many cases. You can grow super cheap with 26 watt great value brand fluoros from walmart, $1 a piece and super bright. You can make sideways reflectors for them from sheets of ducting metal from Lowes $5.


Phillips or sylvania indoor led floods, im not on a computer so its really hard for me to post links right now, sorry for the inconvenience.
Supra, why do you think they wouldnt work?