Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends


Well-Known Member
Different lighting for different setups, circumstances and room allowances. That's the good thing about capitalism, so much choice and improvements coming all the time.

Elder Price

Really didn't want to waste my first post on this, but, I have read this thread long enough.

Who cares if 90% of people do not use LEDs? I use them, and I like them, and your opinion wont change that. How about instead of us vs. them as growers based on our growing methods, it should be us as growers vs. those trying to keep it illegal.

Go use whatever lights you use, and leave others alone. Just because we don't use what YOU use doesn't mean anything, who the fuck are you?

Have a nice day :grin:

Not one single reason huh?....... hhmmm I wonder whats wrong with the other 90% of growers not using LEDS? LOL newb


Well-Known Member
yo fucking inbred fuck shut your dirty mouth you dont know shit about nothing but fucking your cousin.

...... this was directed at foot clan forgot to qoute it******


Well-Known Member
Not one single reason huh?....... hhmmm I wonder whats wrong with the other 90% of growers not using LEDS? LOL newb
ill wipe my ass with your shitty grows. this is my first hydro and led run and its a 80w light haha probly still gonaa trump your shit in quality


Well-Known Member
budski i thought you had some decent thoughts in you dont follow in the steps of this worthless piece of shit i wasnt bashin hps just him.


Well-Known Member
'Not sold yet on LED's. Only time AND technology will validate the "benefits" of LED's.

Until then, I am perfectly happy with my 600w MH/.HPS set up. When it burns out, I'll replace the bulbs. My results in bud thickness, bud density and yield > growing in the Hawaiian tropical sun. Also, 600w MH/HPS has blessed me with thick hard crystallized buds.I see no reason to change something that works. I guess I'm just funny that way.

For now. :)


Well-Known Member
'Not sold yet on LED's. Only time AND technology will validate the "benefits" of LED's.

Until then, I am perfectly happy with my 600w MH/.HPS set up. When it burns out, I'll replace the bulbs. My results in bud thickness, bud density and yield > growing in the Hawaiian tropical sun. Also, 600w MH/HPS has blessed me with thick hard crystallized buds.I see no reason to change something that works. I guess I'm just funny that way.

For now. :)
no your not funny your smart.........and +plus rep for you for not being a noob.....

Elder Price

I'm pretty happy with my LEDs, and others that actually did some research before buying their LEDs are happy with theirs as well.

I am not a newb either, I didn't just start growing when I joined the forum, I started growing in the 80s, and I have used HPS before. I have a small grow where HPS is not practical in my current situation. I can not have loud fans running, nor hot bulbs creating fire hazards in my small closet.

You're entitled to your opinion. Even if it is wrong.

Umm, happy growing I guess?

Im the fucker telling you that LEDS arent better.... and i CARE if 90% of growers arent using LEDS and its probably more like 95% because that tells you alot right there.....Its not like LEDS are NEW they have been around for A LONG fuckin time, a long enough time that if they were really the shit people would have starting transitioning to them...... THATS WHY IT FUCKKIN MATTERS .........

EVERYTHING MATTERS and if some NOOB is going to start a post saying he cant think of a SINGLE reason why LEDS shouldnt be used then you better fuckin believe im going to jump in with a REASON........LOL are you guys seriously that butt hurt about being told that LEDS arent the " answer" we have all be looking for?? LOL


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty happy with my LEDs, and others that actually did some research before buying their LEDs are happy with theirs as well.

I am not a newb either, I didn't just start growing when I joined the forum, I started growing in the 80s, and I have used HPS before. I have a small grow where HPS is not practical in my current situation. I can not have loud fans running, nor hot bulbs creating fire hazards in my small closet.

You're entitled to your opinion. Even if it is wrong.

Umm, happy growing I guess?

how is it wrong?? how is 95% of growers wrong ?? no really give some sort of proof that LEDS are the "ANSWER" Like i said im not saying there is no use for them and if you cant have lights and big fans then fine LEDS might be better but im not talking about whats better for a small grow im talking about what better PERIOD....If you take a normal grow in a 4x4 with 1 1000w hps and put a 4x4 with 1 80w LED and then try and tell me that the LED will out preform the 1000w in the same grow with everything the same then your a NOOB....sorry i dont care if you been growing since the 80's so has my mom and do you know how long it took to break her of her bad habbits?? just because your old dosent mean you are always right.......

Do you know how many "old timers" come into the store talking about out dated info and just plain wrong info?? Happens all the time....... Yes a LED uses Less heat Yes it uses Less energy les it uses some benifital light rays that you dont get from HPS and MH yes yes yes but that dosent mean you put them stright up agaisnt each other that the LED will out preform it because it will NOT......so yes if you cant have a "real" light or a "real" fan then ok a LED would be better then a 1000w but that dosent mean ITS BETTER then a 1000w LOL.....

You guys arent looking at the big picture here............


Well-Known Member
Gosh you must be so proud.... Get a screen shot of it and maybe your parents will put it on the fridge for you.

How many Facebook friends you have?
i dont have face book friends because face book as nothing to do with growing........ its ok keep trying you will get some rep sooner or later................later most likly

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I do not want any rep, I have a life outside of the internet.

I just figured you had a facebook account because of your extreme happiness for your rep points, you can get "liked" on facebook.

Bashing people based on their growing decisions is anti-growing, and you are no better than the police and government trying to keep us from doing it.

So, have a fun time with whatever you grow with, I am done talking to you, I'm going to spend time with some real people in real life, my wife and kids.

More important than a few rep points...

i dont have face book friends because face book as nothing to do with growing........ its ok keep trying you will get some rep sooner or later................later most likly


Well-Known Member
can anyone actually have actual thoughts or is it just " i dont like you because you dont like LEDS" please id like to see just one SMART person leave a comment in favor of LEDS please please someone prove that not all LEDS users are a bunch of noobs...thanks