LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT


Well-Known Member
well i was going to wait untill sat for this, but what the hell its the holidays. 2.5 weeks into flowering. enjoy!


well i was going to wait untill sat for this, but what the hell its the holidays. 2.5 weeks into flowering. enjoy!

Thanks for doing this thread. I've been curious about utilitizing LEDs. I'm finishing my CFL diesel ryder grow right now. But for my next grow I either want to use one of the LEDs you've posted or a 600 watt HPS. I was going to calculate this myself but you have any ideas approx how many hours it takes for LED to pay for itself vs the HPS in terms of eletricity consumption?


Damn those are looking good. They seem to have added a decent amount of height in only a couple days and i agree TCurtiss it looks like the 126 grew a little more that the 180


Well-Known Member

Thanks for doing this thread. I've been curious about utilitizing LEDs. I'm finishing my CFL diesel ryder grow right now. But for my next grow I either want to use one of the LEDs you've posted or a 600 watt HPS. I was going to calculate this myself but you have any ideas approx how many hours it takes for LED to pay for itself vs the HPS in terms of eletricity consumption?
na i never added it up. all i know is i am saving money on a/c and total power.


Well-Known Member
Or is it the tray you have them on?
na their both flush trays. the 126w is 6-8" taller. and alot more busher, dont know if thats a good thing or bad? less light to get threw the foliage, but more light hiting the fan leaves. they both are buding like crazy and already strating to stake


Well-Known Member
guys i am getting very happy, i havent had a led grow this staked befor. things are looking good for only 2.5 weeks.


Active Member
just wanted to check up and see how things are rolling. looking good bro. ive got some serious bud formation on the go now...3 of my plants are lookin great but one is not. looks like MG/Ca deficiency plus a few others im sure. Getting the canna nute line tomorrow so i cant start my next set of clones/seeds down the right path. ill try for some pics this weekend. im pretty busy and hardly around. cheers fellas bongsmilie


Hi Irish,

I've been keeping a close eye on the journal as I have just started using LED lighting for the first time.

I have a 126w penetrator as my sole source of flowering light. I have it at 6 inches away from canopy currently. This Saturday is 3 weeks of 12/12 (I think you may be exactly as far along.)

I was hoping to get some nice close up shots of the buds forming in your next round of photos so I can compare to mine.

keep up the good work,


Well-Known Member
Hi Irish,

I've been keeping a close eye on the journal as I have just started using LED lighting for the first time.

I have a 126w penetrator as my sole source of flowering light. I have it at 6 inches away from canopy currently. This Saturday is 3 weeks of 12/12 (I think you may be exactly as far along.)

I was hoping to get some nice close up shots of the buds forming in your next round of photos so I can compare to mine.

keep up the good work,
yep tomarrow will be 3 weeks flowering. i will try to get some clse ups for you.


Active Member
Harvest what grow are you doing Soil or Hydro. I am doing Hydro and the Canna Aqua line. WAS NOT IMPRESSED. I know the soil line is doing good. With our water being so clean you have to use the Max. Also make sure you use water when mixing nutes the A & B should not be mixed together it nocks each other out so they do not work. put them in water seperate and the do good. They also dropped my PH waaaaay down. After all of these issues was straight the plants are doing good. Bad thing is since I have to go max I am using alot of nutes and that stuff is pricey. GOOD LUCK


Active Member
Harvest what grow are you doing Soil or Hydro. I am doing Hydro and the Canna Aqua line. WAS NOT IMPRESSED. I know the soil line is doing good. With our water being so clean you have to use the Max. Also make sure you use water when mixing nutes the A & B should not be mixed together it nocks each other out so they do not work. put them in water seperate and the do good. They also dropped my PH waaaaay down. After all of these issues was straight the plants are doing good. Bad thing is since I have to go max I am using alot of nutes and that stuff is pricey. GOOD LUCK
i was planning on goin with the Canna Coco line. Heard very good things. Have some new seeds coming in and i'll start them in that. have you ever tried? bongsmilie

hopefully ill get some pics up tomorrow...just getting my shit set back up. no promises. cheers fellas. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wow those plants under the 126 w are taking off, the 180w is doing well also but I think one of those plants under the 126 is talking shit