LED grow panels

if your spending the money for led's why don't you have mylar and led's suck there are some new ones being tested rite now that are supposed to have all the light specs down the ones out now are only good for veg and a waste of money look at maximum yield plenty of test done led only good veg sorry but jn811 is rite
haha thanks for the support, glad u spent ur first post here, lol rep^^^:mrgreen:
you haven't seen a real garden if you think led's work ya the vids make things look ok and you might be happy with that. Thats your deal but if we started at the same time with same strains you would cry when you seen mine
well ill be posting a play by play on my grow and i hope everything goes as well as all the reviews from the LED users say personally i think all the people that say the LED's are shit are just ignorant and have never tried them and are too used to old school and scared to try something NEW... but what would be a forum with out bashers you motivate people to do something that most say is impossible and create something great just to throw it in your face :D
and i see all these threads being posted like PROVE IT LED bla bla bla ok how bout you buy some FUCKING LEDs and you prove to me they dont work? then maybe i will start to believe your theories
Pretty strong words for someone who has never grown pot before. You're the typical noob LED user, trying to justify your purchase with cliche rhetoric. Hope you like your pathetic looking buds...if you get that far.
haha and a typical response from someone who has actually never even seen a fucking LED or has the brain power to figure the new tech out? so stick with the simple use of classics
LED's have been around since the 60's, they aren't new technology. And what brain power did you exert to figure out the technology? I'm pretty sure you were the one who started this thread wondering how good the lights were.
i was asking for comments or thoughts on the entire thing.... but yet to obtain information about them only thing posted is people saying oh HPS this HPS this and HID HID but its ok maybe LED isnt the choice for you and maybe have been here since the 60s but thats like saying cars have been here since then too so my 1930 model A is the same as the new 2010 ford raptor SVU? i mean come on
why not look into a couple of those 125w CFL's? I have tried LED's, and HID lighting beats it hands down. that said I know that's not an option for you so your next best bet is CFL's.
let me ask u a question.. how old are you? have u EVER grown weed before? My guess is under 20 and No.. so where do u get off telling me how to grow..
U are what we call a "sucker" Ive actually got a BRAND NEW type of light that grows weed at 10x the rate of hps, wanna buy it? Only $10,000 for u you poor sap.. I guess you and the rest of the "suckers" make the economy work though, and ppl like me will continue to take advantage of ppl like u, the "suckers" :dunce:
haha your like a 2 year old when you get told off? my analogy right? exactly and guess what im not under 20 and i would buy that light from you for 10gs cuz i have a good job and i like helping out poor little crybabys that have nothing better to do then sit at home grow weed to pay bills and post online all day about how only your way works and nothing else does....see im doing this for a hobby and to undry my sad shhhhwag of a town out i rarely smoke.... but thank you for trying to make this online experience a better one for me.... hahaha you funny, but alien thx for the info its personal like you that keeps forums running unlike this ignorant prick who thinks everything in his lonely isolated world is right cuz its the only way he knows how to do things.... have a nice day :D
get a life before you try and bash me next cuz you have no idea what i am or what i do in life on a serious level i have other hobbies too im just not going to get into them cuz i dont like to brag and seem ignorant but lets just say your prolly not in my level on other skillful things haha
its night time over here.:wink:


this shit is gunna be just like the damn DWC "thing". put the keyboards down.
haha your like a 2 year old when you get told off? my analogy right? exactly and guess what im not under 20 and i would buy that light from you for 10gs cuz i have a good job and i like helping out poor little crybabys that have nothing better to do then sit at home grow weed to pay bills and post online all day about how only your way works and nothing else does....see im doing this for a hobby and to undry my sad shhhhwag of a town out i rarely smoke.... but thank you for trying to make this online experience a better one for me.... hahaha you funny, but alien thx for the info its personal like you that keeps forums running unlike this ignorant prick who thinks everything in his lonely isolated world is right cuz its the only way he knows how to do things.... have a nice day :D
lmfao nail on the head. Good luck! You started shit with me re read the thread. U are ignornat lil child and needa grow up. I came here to help you and YES I do know WAY more than u about lighting and growing.. but I guess u are right.. U win, nice job, come back and show me when u fail.. and have a nice day.. lmao, u loser, u really got me with that one.. LMFAO.. what a joke u and ur grow are, im done with u..
HAHA agreed im done fighting cause nobody is going to win... its pointless i think both methods will work fairly well so im going to try the stealthier one in my opinion so lets just leave it at that, thanks everyone for stopping in and commenting but i got all info i need youll be seeing some posts about my grow and pictures of the process
HAHA agreed im done fighting cause nobody is going to win... its pointless i think both methods will work fairly well so im going to try the stealthier one in my opinion so lets just leave it at that, thanks everyone for stopping in and commenting but i got all info i need youll be seeing some posts about my grow and pictures of the process
Im done too 90watts of LED will not grow u more than a couple grams but if thats what u want ROCK ON!!
ill have more then that but w/e its all good youll see posts so you can talk trash all you want after that deal? till then we both cant say shit agreeed? im not here to argue and fight just to get some info and not be bashed on so you do the HID (wich i have no problem with at all i think they are great and will use when i have a different location) and ill try the LED for this small room