LED grow lights from ebay?


Well-Known Member
Dont do it, just spend the money to get a legit light. A-51, Apache Tech, Onyx Bloom, Hans, some will say Kessil, DIY cob lights.
I would also like to point out that there is a thread over 100 pages long about new to LED? Post questions here.


Active Member
boo the overpriced apache. i recently purchased 400w leds from a website for less than 190 each delivered. i use them as additional lighting to my 1000w. they work perfectly. alot of people dislike leds, but they are here to stay. my leds came with 3yr warranty


Well-Known Member
Lol, you said "I use them as additional side lighting" the OP was going for this as their sole flower light....NOT in addition to a 1000w HPS lmao
boo the overpriced apache. i recently purchased 400w leds from a website for less than 190 each delivered. i use them as additional lighting to my 1000w. they work perfectly. alot of people dislike leds, but they are here to stay. my leds came with 3yr warranty
Vitamin I have a 1000 watt hps hortilux blub now but that brings heat issues, I was going to get a led for less heat and for 4-6 plants, then after a bit i would be moving to a big room 100 watt and the led will become the additional lighting.


Active Member
I was giving my experience with LEDs. I'm not here to please some jackass on the Internet. Thomas Forrest I would get LEDs if I were you. Pm if you want me to send you a link to check out the LEDs I got

Lol, you said "I use them as additional side lighting" the OP was going for this as their sole flower light....NOT in addition to a 1000w HPS lmao
If you want a quality garden and don't want to spend the outrageous priced are51 and AT charge then do a cxa3070 or cxa3590 build or have someone do it for you. Either way it's half the price of the "name" brand units and grows usually a better garden. But again its solely related to your skills.

I currently pull well over 1.2gpw with my own setup.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
PM me with any questions I can walk you threw anything your in need of.

Karma just curious why you say that?
Oh geez, I don't know, maybe because you just got banned a few days ago, purplegrower1, or should I say, purplegrower2?
Or did you forget about this thread? https://www.rollitup.org/t/top-bin-leds.843951/
That's a funny coincidence how you signed up for the forum a couple days after that member was banned. Considering that you're going right back to trying to rip people off by selling them low bin diodes/COB's, instead of the top bin ones, they pay you for. You're a scumbag!
I have never ripped off a single person. I've sent to many people on this board that have zero issues. The reason I was banned.... trying to help out people that are actually in legit pain and anxiety and get laughed out of there dr. Offices. Being an actual pain management patient with severe pain/anxiety issues I understand how ridiculous the system is and until you find the right dr. Every hospital dr. Nurse thinks your looking to get high or rip them off and only worry about covering there ass from the Dea.

My real name is purplegrower02 again why I was banned had nothing to due with my leds sales. I have nothing to hide.
And where am I going right back to selling low bin diodes?

I get 100 ab's at a clip and pass the savings along. Anyone else want to lay down the money or even lay down $1000 and buy 20 to resell be my guest. It's not rocket science.
City worker and who did i scam? Very easy to say the words but atleast put some effort in and find the truth if there is any, which in this case there is not.


Well-Known Member
funny it was, to see you acting...

starting with this tread

a month later running in this prob

but then ... also just a month laster

One of the hardest parts believe it or not was trying to find a driver with such a large gap between min and max vf. We were not satisfied and ended up building our own driver. So it would still work if it had only one cob or four cobs.
simply brillant... this guy