LED for a single plant closet


Well-Known Member
Excellent, the fog of information is clearing! Now onto the horsepower topic! I have 40cm2 / 16in2 floor, is a 50W COB or 65W QB appropriate? Both have up-rated versions: Optic 1XL (100W) and HLG 100W. More light = greater yield or just overkill for extra purchase & electricity cost. I'm new to this and aware I can burn the plants with too much light. Don't want a light that is to powerful, because I just need to replace it!
Since neither have dimming, I'd stay with the lower wattage, especially for veg.
Having said that, there are ways to reduce power or add dimming, but that's another topic.


Well-Known Member
qb has 2 screws on the power source for dimming. One of the screwdrivers in a glasses repair kit will do it.

HLG65 is great and if you can afford it and see yourself getting a bit bigger space a QB135 in 4k will rock up to 20 x 36 inches. I saw it with my own eyes

INF Flux

Well-Known Member
Get the QB 135. If it's too intense, raise it or put some shade cloth. I'm just thinking of your future. We see people who buy bigger lights all of the time, hardly ever see anyone asking for recommendations on a downgrade. It's a quality unit you'll continue to have a use for as you grow along with your plants


Well-Known Member
HLG 65 and 100 not adjustable. What's a chibi?
of course they are adjustable. There are 1 or 2 rubber plugs on top of the driver and you can screw them down to adjust the power. My QB135 is currently runnin at 90 watts (killowat confirmed).

QB 100 Dimmable 45-100Watts

They just dont have a dial. You need a tiny screwdriver to turn the screw. It is so small i couldnt see it but you can feel it with a phillips or flat jewelers size screwdriver.

A chibi is a single vero setup from timber



Well-Known Member
Well then get the 135 QB that has two adjustments. I like being able to make it 60 to 150 watts as needed for the stage of development (seedling to early veg to flower). It can be the 1st gen they are still rockstars. The adjustment capability is worth it until you get the temp (heat) dialed in to your grow box. I would probably do a QB135 because it can light a larger space if you get to there.


Well-Known Member
of course they are adjustable. There are 1 or 2 rubber plugs on top of the driver and you can screw them down to adjust the power. My QB135 is currently runnin at 90 watts (killowat confirmed).

QB 100 Dimmable 45-100Watts

They just dont have a dial. You need a tiny screwdriver to turn the screw. It is so small i couldnt see it but you can feel it with a phillips or flat jewelers size screwdriver.

A chibi is a single vero setup from timber

I'm just going by the HLG website. "Non-Dimmable Meanwell Power Supply included with NEMA 1-15p plug"

Maybe some confusion over past and current models? Perhaps @Stephenj37826 would like to clarify?


Well-Known Member
Wow did those lights change fast. I think that is within the last week or 2 they stopped selling the QB135.

But check out growers they have samsung boards with dimmers. That is where i got mine.

65 watt
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Active Member


Active Member
OK, I think I'll probably go with a HLG 135 V2. Looks good for my current plan, dimmable if required, and can be reused for a bigger project in the future. Last decision, 3000K or 4000K for a full cycle grow. I believe 3000K is the common choice, correct?


Active Member
3000k is said to produce more weight, the 4000k is said to produce slightly higher resin production. I've only really watched greengenes side by side of the two color temps. I liked the look of the 4k better, but I'd just go with the 3000k because there is a data trend that it is used more often for full cycle than 4000k.

So... kind of dealers choice because anything from 3000k-4000k is recommended for full cycle. Could also be very strain/enviorment dependent on which would work better for you.


Active Member
Super pleased with my kind LED customer service is amazing. Worth the money and during flowering it doesn't fall short.


Active Member
Good news for me, my tent just expanded. Upon asking my GF what she thinks of the whole idea, she promptly cleaned out our small "junk room" and said use this! Yep, she's a keeper... Before I was crammed into a corner of the closet at 40x40cm / 16"x16in. Now I've got my eye on a 60x120cm / 2x4ft Gorilla Grow Shorty. After all the discussions in this thread, I'm still keen on a HLG light. But I guess I should use 2x or 3x 260w or 320w spaced out over the length of the tent. Any opinions on this new arrangement? Also, before I was tossing up 3000K vs 4000K. If I use multiple panels, do I get the best of both worlds by using both 3000K and 4000K?


Active Member
I'd go for the 320 if you can, thing is pretty Much perfect for a 2x4. Just 1 though, it's 3 ft long and like 10 inches wide. Some people mix spectrums for a wider ranger, but 3000k is recommended for full cycle/flower, and 4000k is recommended for veg.


Well-Known Member
you want 300w, 3000k

options starting with the cheapest and most DIY:


^that is what i would get. really good deal. $275 for the 3 boards and triple heatsink, then $85 for the driver. puts you at like $360 if you can figure out wiring and framing it yourself.

https://horticulturelightinggroup.com/collections/kits/products/320w-xl-qb-v2-led-kit is $457
thats essentially $100 extra for a power cord and some wagos you could get for $10. something wonky with hlg pricing atm. i wouldn't really recommend this unless it goes on sale like the other kit is.

or you could get http://timbergrowlights.com/model-3saml/ $549 everything pre-assembled and ready to hang.
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Active Member

Or get it assembled here for $455 without the 8020 bars on the sides. Just hang it from the triple slate heatsink holes meant for rope hangers like everyone else who puts the kit together themselves.

I like Timber, but their samsung 288 fixtures are a bit overpriced. But their spacing might be slightly better off center with the 3 single slates, idk.