led flowering


Well-Known Member
WTF? 1000 LUMENS WITH ONLY 3.5 WATTS??? Please tell me where to find this. I find it very hard to believe, but I sure hope it's on the level, that would be AMAZING!


Active Member
I found it at Wal-Mart

it comes in 2,700K and 6,500K it might also come in 4,100k but I never looked that much they cost $10 each though but if they do work as good as the numbers say then I think it would be $10 well spent.

Like I said though I will be trying them out to see how well they work can't use alot since my budget is very tight but I gotten some bag seeds given to me and I have 3 growing under a single 45 but I decided to save 1 to try out under LEDs. I'm gonna try to get 3 of them but 1 is a sure thing that i can get.

Here's a pic to give you guys and gals an idea what it kinda looks like. The site is more costly then what it cost in the store here buy it gives you an idea and the lumes it says on the site to is way off to what the ones in the store put out.



Active Member
like I said that link is not exactly what it is at the store here its just an idea on what it looks like. I don't live in the us so thoes numbers aren't what are here I tryed looking for it on the site that's in my country but couldn't find any thing that's close to what it looks like.

Also that's why I said I wanna try it on a bag seed that was given to me to see how well it goes. I'm not expecting crazy amount of things just want to know how well it performs. If they don't perform any thing worth putting more money into them at that time then I'll go with CFLs and I can change out a light or few that are 60 watts with cheaper lights to cut down on the power bill


Active Member
1 - Its not the wattage that means any thing for how good it is its the lumes that matters the watts is just the amount of power it uses. Also the lower the wattage and the higher lumes means your not waisting as much power.

2 - In veg it doesn't matter how deep it goes it. All that matters is if the fan leafs are getting light and during flowering its more efficient to do a SOG then it is a hole plant because its the top colas that have the most weight and the lower bud sites is pretty much useless and a waist


From what I've read about LED"S (so far,) CFL's are the way to go. Led's numbers are impressive, but I'm skepticle. I use LED's for stage lighting and they work great for that purpose but I don't see where that little power intake could have that much output. I may be wrong but, for now I'm gonna stay with CFL's. You guys let me know how the LED's work out and which ones to get.


Active Member
From what I've read about LED"S (so far,) CFL's are the way to go. Led's numbers are impressive, but I'm skepticle. I use LED's for stage lighting and they work great for that purpose but I don't see where that little power intake could have that much output. I may be wrong but, for now I'm gonna stay with CFL's. You guys let me know how the LED's work out and which ones to get.
Same here and that's why I'm gonna try a bag seed under LEDs. LEDs would be good for cloning to since it uses very little power and most people use a 40w tube florescent light and you don't need all that for clones.

I will try to get 3 LED lights and do a DWC LED grow and see how that goes and I'll be posting pics of it to. As for flowering I can't blame you. I'd perfer to use a 41w CFL for 2 flowering clones aka SOG way.

Sadly very rare people are willing to try new things out. Most people prefer to do the old Florescent tube lights for veg and a HPS for flowering even though people have proven that other types of light can do a half decent job for a fraction of the cost of power over HPS


when that link says six watt leds it just means thats the amount of electricity being used ie a six watt will be bigger bulb that a 3 watt.

so it seems that you can grow with leds but you pretty much need one per plant at the moment and even then your probably better off with hps so the buds are lush. maybe later on when we get higher power led's and at the same price or lower. and anyway i was lookin into it and plasma is quite good but thats just goin a bit far lol i just want a cupboard :) i think im gonna have to just buy an hps an all the trimmins, maybe ill get a few solar panels to run it so noone notices...

please though if there is someone out there lookin at this that has flowered with led's preferably just led please there is a lot of people wanting to hear from you. cheers


Active Member
No, no, no, no, no! Everyone is off base about LED lights! LEDs work great IF you are willing to get a high watt panel. The walmart LEDs, any high 'lumen' LEDs, anything you see with the color measured in kelvin (2700k, 4300k, 6200k, etc) is CRAP and should be ignored.

LEDs don't work off the same scale as HPS, lumens are irrelevant. LEDs are created to high specific wavelengths that target ideal plant growth. I've run 5 LED harvests so far, ranging for 180w to my current grow with 600w LED and 400w hps. LEDs are great if you get the right ones; but, you have to be willing to drop some cash. Any good LED is going to run you about $150 for a 90w UFO up to nearly $1000 for a 600w panel.

I've got 4 LEDs running my Veg tent right now, and they are tearing it up!


Current Set-up

If you have questions about LEDs, direct them at me and I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP. I love growing with LEDs, but it's easy to get ripped off or invest in junk. I can point you to some lights based on the grow size and your budget, let me know!


Active Member
Here was my last 50/50 grow with 400w HPS and 360w LED


Yield was 426g dry off 760w and 12 plants. There was room for 3-4 more plants in the room, but I wasn't sure how big they were going to bush since it was my largest grow at the time.

View attachment 1005100


so do you find you need the help of the 400w hps in there with the led's? have you tried flowering with only led's? you ever get closer to a gram a watt? good lookin plants, what strain are they? cheers man just curious


Active Member
so do you find you need the help of the 400w hps in there with the led's? have you tried flowering with only led's? you ever get closer to a gram a watt? good lookin plants, what strain are they? cheers man just curious
I haven't been able to try a LED only grow yet. When I first got into LED growing, I read a few places that LED light needs to be paired with 'white light.' This is because the LEDs are designed to create the 'ideal' light used by plants, but it tends to miss some wavelengths that help in the plants help and development. Rather than question it (since I was new to LEDs) I just decided to pair them together. However, new LEDs with 4, 5 and 6 different wavelength LEDs seem to grow very well with no additional lighting.

Here is a nice grow on youtube of 600w LED only grow, yield over 500 grams.

I'm looking into getting more LEDs, I love the way they are performing and how low temp they run. It's just a matter of getting money for the setup. For great results, you need the big panals, when a LED 90w UFO says it will "out perform a 400w" it's total crap - But, I think a 400w LED will equal a 400w HPS in yield with a fraction the heat.

Maybe that doesn't seem that impressive, but because I don't need to have much cooling, I can run 1000ws with a single out take fan in a small closet. Anything over a 600w HPS would cook that room like an oven, but my room is currently at 1030w and 75 degrees with no AC in the room, just the one 4" intake fan blowing out the room.


Well-Known Member
i got a 90w ufo and i am using it on one test plant. it is equal in flower size to my outdoor and indoor at 3 weeks. but i can tell now there is no way in getting a gram a watt, if the buds are good and solid i'll try it on 4 plants. if that goes as well as my other lights i'll buy a bunch of them just because of the heat issue


Well-Known Member
i will tell point you in the right direction to getting to that gram per watt with LEDs...

its really pretty simple.
HID lighting, is omnidirectional, that is, light radiates in a true 360 sphere from the point of emission, like a star, and the sun...
LED lighting, is directional, that is, it emits in one direction, because each individual LED on the panel has an individual lens that both focuses and intensifies the light, like a laser...

Omnidirectional lighting provides a higher PAR(photosynthetically active radiation), APAR(absorbed photosynthetically active radiation), IPAR(incidental photosynthetically active radiation, and fPAR(fractional photosynthetically active radiation); which leads to a higher rate of GPP(gross primary production), which in turn raises the overall LUE (light use efficiency) of the plant, vs directional lighting such as leds.

the secret to overcoming this, is the placement of the leds.
everyone keeps putting them overhead and shining straight down....

since when does the sun hang directly overhead and shine down in one direction for 12 hours a day?
never... light strikes the plants at oblique angles, because the sunlight is omnidirectional. the angles change in relation to the time of the day as the sun travels in its arc across the sky.
because of this, you get canopy penetration....
mimic those oblique angles with your LEDs... and you wil be on the right track.


... not convinced IAm5toned maybe using something that slowly moves it accross the tops could be better but if you need to use the same wattage as an hps then really the only reason you get leds is for heat issues and so you dont need ballast etc. personally im gonna go with a 400 or 600 watt hps in a 4x4 space as apposed to 2 300w leds which seem to cost about a grand a piece in the same space and then still feel as if i needed more. just gonna have to buy nice fans an a cooltube and be happy. i really wish i could just use leds really do but it just seems a bit to early to start goin for it with them especially when they cost that much upfront. i havent even done my first grow yet just wanted to make sure i was gettin the right kit. the right kit seems to be hps for now unless your an experienced grower and could get the most out of leds.


Active Member
... not convinced IAm5toned maybe using something that slowly moves it accross the tops could be better but if you need to use the same wattage as an hps then really the only reason you get leds is for heat issues and so you dont need ballast etc. personally im gonna go with a 400 or 600 watt hps in a 4x4 space as apposed to 2 300w leds which seem to cost about a grand a piece in the same space and then still feel as if i needed more. just gonna have to buy nice fans an a cooltube and be happy. i really wish i could just use leds really do but it just seems a bit to early to start goin for it with them especially when they cost that much upfront. i havent even done my first grow yet just wanted to make sure i was gettin the right kit. the right kit seems to be hps for now unless your an experienced grower and could get the most out of leds.
If you look on ebay, you can find a 300w panal for around $500-$550 if you are willing to wait the extra week or 2 for shipping direct from China. I got a 450w panal for $590, took 15 days to ship, but it runs like a pro!

Also, maybe consider something like I have. I have the HPS, but the LED is also present to boost the performance without having additional cooling.