LED flowering room, what should I get?


Active Member
Hello All...

I'm determined to finally try out some LED lighting. I will be using it for at small flower room approx 5x5 feet. I want something like 2 x 300 watt LED or 3 x 200 watt LED. I have tried to get an idea of which type i should pick (triband, quadband etc)

If there is anyone out there who knows something about this, please speak up, help me out here :roll:

And please do not try to convince me to go for HPS instead, I have been using that for years.. I want to TRY LED out as something experimental (maybe thats the future for me if it works well)

Merry christmas BTW

Peace out! Frenzy


Active Member
I'd suggest getting 4 180w. They are the same price if not cheaper than most 90w UFOs. And will create a much more even canopy for your 5x5 coverage.
It looks promising in terms of price pr. watt, I must say compared to other lighting fixtures i have looked at.
The cost of the lights isn't that important though, I simply want the best LED light out there even if it's more expensive..