LED Energy bill


I wanna know how much you would pay for energy using LED grows? Obviously it's gonna be different for certain systems but Im just looking to c what some ppl who use LED's in the past have payed. THNX


Well-Known Member
It depends on the size of the light but you have to realize it is waaaaay less when you compare it to hps. unless you have a bunch of led lights at 150 watts+ then it can add up but you still don't have the heat issues as hps. I have 150 watt light and its more or less the same as turning on a lamp in your living room.


I have a light that pulls 265W it is a 160x3w light but the whole room fans air pumps (dwc) humidifier/dehumidifier is a 473w room when everything is running total and cost is about >$30 a month.


how many plants do u have cuz i just have a small grow tent, so how much watt u think i need for a 3x4ft tent.


Well-Known Member
I like numbers ..
At least sometimes .....

So , Example based on ~ true(real life ) numbers :

Grow tent #1 : MH/HPS 400 Watt lamp -1 lamp -non dimmable .

Initial cost Of average/high quality system :

-Digital Dual lamp Ballast 400W : 200-300 $
-MH 400W lamp : $50
-HPS lamp 400W : 50$
-Quality reflector : 150$
Total : 500-550$ ( for high quality HID dual system )

Power at plug : 450-480 Watt ..Say 450 Watt ...

4 weeks under MH for vegging at 18/6 cycle .....

4x7x18x0.45 =226,8 kWh

10 weeks under HPS for flowering at 12/12 cycle ...

10x7x12x0.45 = 378 kWh

Total: 604,8 kWh

Grow tent #2 :Led 300 Watt at plug -3 panels -dimmable

Initial cost : $2500
Power at plug : 25 Watt min -300 max

4 weeks vegging at 18/6 ..
Starting from 50 Watts ,adding 50 Watts every week ...

7x18x0.05 + 7x18x0.1 + 7x18x0.15 + 7x18x0.2 = 63 kWh

10 weeks flowering at 12/12
All at max .

10x7x12x0.3= 252 kWh

Total : 315 kWh

So much about electricity bills ......

Efficiency ?
Let's see ....

Grow#1 MH_HPS :
3 possible outcomes .... min -typ -max
Min : 150 gr ( ~5 oz ) / Efficiency : ~24% ( ====> ~0.248 gr / kWh )
Typ. : 300 gr (~10 oz ) / Efficiency : ~49%
Max : 450 gr ( ~15 oz ) Efficiency : ~74%

Grow #2 LED :

Same outcomes (yield-wise ) like with grow #1 ?

Ok ....

Min Efficiency : ~47%
Typ Efficiency : ~95%
Max Efficiency : ~142%

Or .......
........................................Maybe a bit closer to real-life results with leds ?

Min 200 gr : Efficiency = 63%
Typ 400 gr : Efficiency = 126%
Max 550 gr : Efficiency = 174% (yes ....it can be done ...1.74 gr per kWh !!!! )

..... new era ...

E= m * LED[SUP]2[/SUP]


how many plants do u have cuz i just have a small grow tent, so how much watt u think i need for a 3x4ft tent.
I have 7 plants in my garden depending on strains my light is good for my 4x4 tent occaisionally I will add CFLs for side lighting but I am sure I could do without it. I grow with my light just like it was the 600W HPS it replaced and for the most part my LED out performs the hps every grow.

I have a china made LED with mostly 90 degree lens it is only red and blue. It was less than $350 on Aliexpress with shipping that was some time ago so I am sure they are cheaper now.


Well-Known Member
I'll use a real life example.

3x fans (active intake, scrubber exhaust, and oscillating fan) + light + timer = 205w (and that's with the light on full, it's 125w veg, 155w bloom, timer takes ~2w)

18hrs x 125w = 2.250kWh (light)
18hrs x 14w = 0.252kWh (intake fan)
18hrs x 22w = 0.396kWh (osc fan, 18/6 veg, 24/0 bloom)
24hrs x 12w = 0.288kWh (scrub/exh fan)
3.186kWh total (daily, multiply by # of days)

12hrs x 155w = 1.860kWh
12hrs x 14w = 0.168kWh
24hrs x 22w = 0.528kWh
24hrs x 12w = 0.288kWh
2.844kWh total (daily, multiply by # of days)

(3.186 x 21) + (2.844 x 70) = (66.906) + (199.080) = 265.986kWh ... we'll call it 266kWh x (rate) = cost

My base rate is $0.11/kWh: 266 x $0.11 = $29.26 (there are other factors such as time of day that effect rates as well)

... If yields are near what others are seeing, $30 for 2 plants start to finish ain't bad at all.


Well-Known Member
my veg cost for running a 350w actual draw panel + fans at 18hrs on was an additional 35$ per month.


Well-Known Member
(draw per watt) x ((veg hours per day) x (veg days per grow) + (flower hours per day) x (flower hours per grow)) * cost/kWh

For instance, my next grow.. (600W = 0.6 kW), so 0.600kW * ((18h)(50)+(12h)(70)) * $0.094/kWh = $98 in electricity. Plus fans.


Active Member
Damn you guys got cheap power. We got 5 tiers here. first is like base of 10Kwh a day for $0.10kwh next is 100-150% base at $0.14kwh 150-200% $0.18kwh 200-300% $0.26kwh then its 300%+ at $0.35kwh

They do nothing based on time of day for residential yet but they do for businesses and the price for a business is way cheaper as well. So pretty much it is easy to use 20Kwh a day for just normal usage for a big house. You pretty much get raped with anything other than LED lights around here. And even then if you're already using power in the 4th tier you're going to pay a lot.

Wish I had even $0.15kwh evened out for everything. We don't have it the worse though other areas of socal are way worse off.


Well-Known Member
how tall r ur plants and if u would could tell me your yeild?
The goal is one gram per watt, most people can get 0.5gpw without too much of an issue. Proper nutes, good grower, 1gpw is definitely achievable, or better.

If you have height restrictions, supercrop, scrog, top/fim or Mainline. Should help maximize output per square foot.