LED Closet grow room, leaves curling up.

Dark union

Hello friends,

Thank you spending time reading this and trying to help. :clap:
Recently in the last 5 days some of my leaves slowly curling up. Plants look exceptionally healthy. Temperature is 24c, relative humidity 58%.
Ph on average 5.8 and PPM 450.

Any ideas why these leaves are curling up ? :-(




Well-Known Member
They look fine to me. 5 days ago they should have been a lot smaller? Maybe they are hitting a growth spurt now.

edit well the first pic is curling a little..

how close do you keep the leds?

I grow with leds, and yes it's possible to burn your plants!


Active Member
Hello friends,

Thank you spending time reading this and trying to help. :clap:
Recently in the last 5 days some of my leaves slowly curling up. Plants look exceptionally healthy. Temperature is 24c, relative humidity 58%.
Ph on average 5.8 and PPM 450.

Any ideas why these leaves are curling up ? :-(


Might be a magnesium def. Add a tsp of epson salt to your tank and see if that works. This same thing happen to me a few weeks ago and that fixed it. Hope it helps man. Happy Growing!!:bigjoint:

Dark union

Hi again guys,

LED is not too close and judging by temperature on very surface of UFO and other lights it's hardly possible. :?
I read an article that sometimes if plant grows too quick it might develop slight curling in it's leaves.
Regarding Epson salts, where can I buy them ? In Pharmacy ? :-|

Thanks again




Well-Known Member
Right... I meant higher power LEDs, not the UFO light.

It's highly unlikely to be a magnesium deficiency--that usually occurs later during flowering.

Are you spraying your plants all the time? They could be drying out from repeat wet/dry cycles.


Well-Known Member
I don't necessarily think it's a magnesium deficiency, but I will answer your question. You can get Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate) at your local hydro grow store. You can get it at regular grocery stores too, but it doesn't come crushed up in to a fine powder. It's more rocky. I like the fine powder type that i get from my grow store because it dissolves very quickly.


Dark union

Hello there,

Before I thought that watering every four hour was a bit too much and my watering cycles were a bit irregular :sad:
Now I switched my timer back to 4 hours intervals and start spraying them a little.
They do look slightly better but time will tell. I'm going to post more pictures in a couple of days.
Also I bought "Liquid light" formula with "Penetrator" formula to increase light absorption.
It is a shame that this colour spectrum doesn't allow me to take better quality photos :sad:

Mr. GreenKUSH

Active Member
hey bro im growing myself with a LED ufo and i had the same problem. it was that my led was too close to my top. I know how it sounds but i raised to 8inchs from my 1-2 inchs. I will tell u that my plants absolutely love the led right now! my room has always been at a good temp so try to raise the the light a few inches and give it a day or two, u should be fine :)
happy smoking