LED+CFL Closet Coco grow

I do have the day off, so how do you suggest to harvest her? I have been reading a bit and I know there are many methods but what are some suggestions?

Like by Trim do I trim ALL the leaves off or do I wait until it dries, etc... as I said I know there are different methods just looking for personal input if anyone would like to share.
The locals are harvesting Permafrost at around 77 days. You are at 73 days. Slinger36s is right. Time to harvest. Might want to consider 48 hours of total darkness prior to harvest. This is debatable, but I think it helps the plant seal itself with resin.
Would 48 hours of darkness hurt at all? I am by no means in any rush. I would be willing to try it if it could potentially help.
48 hours of darkness will not harm the harvest. The theory is that the darkness will force the plant to protect itself by sealing the buds, with a little extra resin. I do it on my grows. There are a lot of harvest guides on the net. This is the one that I tend to follow. The drying process in the winter, is a little shorter than he describes, do to the winter dryness. Also, he describes putting the final cured buds in the freezer. I would never do this. The Trichomes will freeze, and break off when handled.

Personally I have never done the 48 hr dark period so I cant tell you if this has any benefit. As far as harvesting is concerned, what I do is chop off all the fan leaves, make a few small slits in the stems (I feel like it helps them dry out faster) let the hang til the outside leaves of the bud are a little crunchy, then manicure, dry for a few more days then mason jar cure. You have a lot of nuggets there bro so why not test out a few different methods to see which one you prefer:)
Thanks for the link, I am wondering if this box would fit the whole plant upside down? I'm not sure I have anywhere large enough to hang it at the moment. I'll have to figure something out.
I think you could chop it into the largest pieces that will fit in your box. There are a lot of different ways to skin the Cat!
That is what I was thinking, but that guide mentioned a very important part of flavor is keeping the whole plant in tact so the sugars can move around. Might not be an option for me in my current situation though.
Started the dark period tonight, I'll check on her after 24 hours and see if I want to give her another day of dark or not. I took a sample bud and oven dried it tonight, pretty potent hybrid, very stoney and cerebral. It's gonna be nice. Hoping she gains some potency with the dark period, though I am a terrible judge of potency as I have easy access to BHO in the 75-85% THC range and smoke on that stuff all day, so my tolerance levels are unfortunately sky high. The fact that I am feeling as stoned as I am off of this bowl is saying a lot.
Do a before and after the 48 hr dark smoke comparison please haha definitely wanna know whats up with this idea!
Slinger36s. Based on my testing, there was very little difference in either taste or potency The positive for me, was the darkness seemed to harden up the buds, and give them a better appearance. Seemed to create a bit more resin as well. I think it is time for all of us to give estimates on the "cured & dried" yield. I will stick with my previous estimate of 254g, which may be low. I never grow plants this tall. It will be interesting to see the final number!
Started the dark period tonight, I'll check on her after 24 hours and see if I want to give her another day of dark or not. I took a sample bud and oven dried it tonight, pretty potent hybrid, very stoney and cerebral. It's gonna be nice. Hoping she gains some potency with the dark period, though I am a terrible judge of potency as I have easy access to BHO in the 75-85% THC range and smoke on that stuff all day, so my tolerance levels are unfortunately sky high. The fact that I am feeling as stoned as I am off of this bowl is saying a lot.

At my age, a couple of hits of BHO would probably kill me! What exactly is BHO? At your tolerance level, all that Permafrost will be gone in a week!!!
Slinger36s. Based on my testing, there was very little difference in either taste or potency The positive for me, was the darkness seemed to harden up the buds, and give them a better appearance. Seemed to create a bit more resin as well. I think it is time for all of us to give estimates on the "cured & dried" yield. I will stick with my previous estimate of 254g, which may be low. I never grow plants this tall. It will be interesting to see the final number!

I am gonna definitely test out the 48 hr dark period! How are you gonna cure? I am reading up on the freezer cure, looks interesting! I think you are pretty spot on with your estimates I am gonna say slightly higher a 276g.
Best of luck dude!
Be careful with putting bud in the freezer. I put several mason jars in the freezer for long term storage. When the Trichomes freeze, they become very brittle, and break off easily. I noticed that the bottom of the jars were littered with Trichs after a little handling. I realized that the same thing happens when I make dry ice hash, with a shake bag. If you do freeze, just make sure not to disturb the frozen buds a lot, and check the bottom of the jar for the leftovers. I use the freezer for long term storage, but not for daily storage.
Harvesting tonight :-) I took a peek in the tent this morning, I believe the darkness did her some good, I didn't look close but everything looks fatter and more resin coated.
Side by side photos of before and after dark period!your probly in the middle of choping right now, enjoy!
Wow what a journey and my its first post! usually stumble upon these kinda things when its too late! So glad i get to see the final product with everyone else as well! great job!