LED as supplemental lighting


Active Member
Hey there! Just ordered a pair of Vipar 180w UFO LEDs to supplement my HID lamps. Up to this point I have always used HIDs & I currently have two 400watt lights: 1 MH & 1 HPS which work ok but there are a couple of shady spots that cannot be penetrated well due to tight space. I am thinking that adding targeted LED UFOs to these spots will help reduce yellowing leaves from lack of light to the lowers but I have a couple questions that I am hoping an experienced LED user could help with. Can you put LEDs very close to the plants or do they need to be a certain distance away? Do LEDs work well to target low light areas with mixed lighting source or are they more suited to be used exlusively? Are the large panels really worth the cost when compared to the yield put out by HIDs?


Well-Known Member
Hey midnite, certainly don't consider myself an expert but have worked with several LED's and done a lot of reading on them for over a year. One thing different with LED's is that the light is more or less directional, they don't spread light 360, typically (lots of variables) the LED's are mounted @ 90-120 degrees, many panels mix the angle. You can mount them on whatever angle makes sense where you're trying to cover. The light coming off them spreads but stays pretty well within the installed/directed angle. imo this makes it excellent for this purpose you're looking at using them for. Only thing if you checked my last LED journal with the LG LED's, they work well, they've been reliable and the grow from seed, clones, and veg well. But after 2 flowering rounds with those lights, the buds were had no density in comparison to say hps or outdoor bud. So I guess my advice would be to consider LED's for supplemental lighting but be careful to choose some efficient LED's. Either DIY a panel with Cree COB's, or go for some higher end panels like the Hans or A51. Last thing you want is fluffy buds on the edges/sides you're trying to cover off with the LED's. I discovered first hand that the lower end LED panels have a use, I'll continue to use them for seed/clones/veg, but lack in the flowering spectrum/efficiencies.I came indoor from years of outdoor so my expectations may be higher, but in the end, we're trying to grow decent bud, as close as we can get to outdoor. I'm moving to CMH for the core and some LED side-lighting this round. At the same time I'll be building a couple of 100W DIY panels with Creee COB's to replace the tubes I'm running as side-lighting this round. They'll be used to either run separate flowering runs (timing dictated) or supplement the CMH. Cheers.


Active Member
Hey thx gro err for the helpful info. I now have a separate led tent for veg/early flowering. Hopefully now I will be totally perpetual lol


Active Member
You are right - my HIDs are better for flowering phase but I find the LEDs better for vegging than my old c cabinet. I will still use my cabs for starting clones, young mamas & seedlings though. Makes more sense to use the LEDs for veg at this point. I have 2 185w UFOs & a 300w panel - UFOs are Vipar & the panel is mars hydro - all direct from china but got them very cheap - seem to do the job


Well-Known Member
i have seen a few grows here with very small panels close to plants but they seem rare now

these days leds are more powerful and normally are like 18-24 inch away like a hid or they can bleach plants
the hans panels are not cheap they look nice and are smaller wattage so can get a bit closer
something with a wide beam angle 120 would spread the light out more so its less likey to bleach if its hung closer

still if you have very limited space to put lights at the side and plants can grow into the lights perhaps led is not the best option
you could also consider some type of florescent light as plants can grow within inches of them even touch the bulbs in some cases with no damage
