Lebron "King" James vs. Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant

Who is the better NBA player?

  • Lebron "King" James

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Kobe "The Black Mamba" Bryant

    Votes: 18 58.1%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Them's fightin' words beotch! lol Kobe Bryant all the way. First off, he's got 3 rings. How many does Lebron have? Oh wait.....NONE! Not that rings are how to measure greatness (after all, Shaq's got 4 of em -lol), but down the stretch, when the game is on the line, Kobe's proven he's a clutch performer. Also, Kobe Bryant doesn't just play offense, he plays DEFENSE too. In that respect he's the most similar player to Michael Jordan I can think of. Lebron is getting there, and may very well surpass all the points records of previous players, (helped in part by him skipping college to enter the pros) but at the moment, he's still just a rising star. Until he's got more than one ring, he's just another Barkley or Iverson.
Did you read the posts...let me remind you that Kobe was drafted out of high school, and at the age of 17.Read the facts that I've shot out thru this post then try & argue with them again...


Well-Known Member
Did you read the posts...let me remind you that Kobe was drafted out of high school, and at the age of 17.Read the facts that I've shot out thru this post then try & argue with them again...
Says the soccer fan.. LoL. You take yourself too seriously. Not sure what facts you think I need to read, but the most important one, the one you seem to have forgotten about in that sea of statistics you worship Lebron with, is that he still doesn't have any rings!! MVP or not, what's the difference if you don't win the big one? Sportcaster's opinions and pats on the back like "MVP" only go so far before the emptiness of no championships sets in.

Don't get me wrong, Lebron is a hell of an athlete, and a class act, but he's not a champion yet, and until he is, see my previous post. On another note, seeing Carmelo's dejected mug after Kobe sank that late 3 in the last game was great. Loved every second of it!


Well-Known Member
if lebron can realize he is on a team with delonte west & mo williams, and decide to take over, then watch out.
all he needs is a "killer instinct" of the selfish variety and he will be unstoppable and his teams, no matter how "stacked" they are with Dwests & Mwillys.


Active Member
I see we got a futbol hater in the room ha but all you can seem to do is throw the fact that LJ has no rings, another set of players that never attained an NBA championship and were incredible players and all time greats are people like Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Dominique Wilkins, John Stockton, Reggie Millier and even classic Bob Lanier. So are you trying to tell me that it takes a ring to show greatness? There's a countless number of backups that have prolly taken a total of 90 minutes off the bench during their season's and attained a ring because they were on Championship teams...so I guess they are all just elite athletes and unknown basketball legends right? Yeah I guess Bob No-Name was a fantastic player i wish they made his jersey...Lebron shines over Kobe and yes if he did get that "killer instinct" he would be an even better player but to take everything away from LJ just because he doesn't have a ring is wrong. I guess us "soccer" fans arn't too smart with basketball? Damn. You wanna have a football shootout too? Hah And I don't mean to come off serious if you think I'm trynna throwdown cuz of all the facts im laying out, i'm not i majored in sports journalism, I love sports its what i breathe besides green. hah


Well-Known Member
i agree taking anything away from LBJ is wrong... he hasn't even hit his prime yet!
jwest is the logo and he never got any rings....

Kobe's basketball acumen + his desire & work ethic to be the best override LBJ, despite LBJ's gifts.


Active Member
Did you read the posts...let me remind you that Kobe was drafted out of high school, and at the age of 17.Read the facts that I've shot out thru this post then try & argue with them again...
Drafted onto a team of VETERAN players

LeBron was drafted onto a team of GARBAGE

Quit being so daft.


Well-Known Member
LeBron was schooling the pro cavs while he was in high school when he visited from what i recall... and didn't Coach Crack head Lucas get into some kind of trouble for it?

Kobe needs to get on Lamar & Pau Gausoft to start playing with soem fire...


Active Member
Pau is not that big of a player on the court he's just good at disturbing players get there shot off and some blocks here and there lamar though he hasnt been playing like he has during the season he's def a force on the court but i don't feel like he'll really show up unless/until they make it to the finals...ariza although is making up for all of this with those fucking three's


Well-Known Member
yeah ariza is 50% form the field, 50% from 3pt land, and 50% form the line...
at least he is getting those timely steals.


Donte Jones is playing durty... I know if you're not cheating you're not trying hard enough but thats a little too much cheating



Active Member
The officiating period throughout the playoffs have been horrible but as soon as they get back ta LA the calls are gunna flip again I agree wit Barkley the NBA really needs to work through with the refs to do something about it...i cant believe some of the shit that they miss and call....


Just wanted to throw out a debate on here for those of us that are NBA fans and are watching the playoffs right not or at all. Who do you think is the better competitor, better player in today's game? Personally I'll say Lebron James has the upper hand when it comes to Kobe Bryant, he's the best player in the NBA. He's a true TEAM player and is a great influence for his franchise and this is not accounting for the usual stat book, the man was MVP for a reason on and off the court.
nah kobe has accomplished much much much more then lebron. hey lebron has a physical presence but your saying youd rather have him on your team down 2 in the forth? (i dont wana hear about the shot over hedo so dont start) kobes display of athletisim in the most difficult shots and making them is astounding. you guys cant sit here and say lebron is way better when hes not accomplished half of what kobe has


Active Member
Lebron has accomplished more than Dwayne has besides the ring...look through the thread and read the facts I have laid down you toos are late ha


Well-Known Member
Drafted onto a team of VETERAN players

LeBron was drafted onto a team of GARBAGE

Quit being so daft.
This is part of the explanation why Lebron got so much more playing time versus Kobe Bryant when he first entered the league, which in turn will have an impact on statistics down the road, and how some people will ultimately judge who's better than who.

yeah ariza is 50% form the field, 50% from 3pt land, and 50% form the line...
at least he is getting those timely steals.


Donte Jones is playing durty... I know if you're not cheating you're not trying hard enough but thats a little too much cheating

+1. Personally though, I'm sick of the announcers fawning over Billups and his bullshit. He gets away with so many bogus calls it's not even funny!! Don't the refs watch tape? Fuck! When are they gonna catch on to his flopping and initiating useless contact?! Jr smith beating his chest like a monkey and talking trash after sinking a couple 3's when the score was insignificant clearly signifies him as the most immature waste of skin in the nba.


Active Member
what has lebron accomplished? he went to the finals and got swept. Im not a miami fan I just call it like I see it. When dwade is healthy ,hes the best player in the world.


Well-Known Member
I'd say Kobe is probably the better player at this current point in time. Hopefully we will get to see them face off in the finals.