lebaneese land race


Active Member
the family has been looking for new genetics to incorporate into our local land race. anybody used lebaneese hash plant? or whats your favorite land race. all input welcome thanx all


Well-Known Member
I have Monkey Paw ( landrace Sativa ) Hindu Kush ( landrace Indica ) Wild Thai ( Landrace Sativa ) all kick ass weed damn near narcotic.


Well-Known Member
anybody do land races?
Heres a few. No particular order, Colombian blacks, purples, mazar, chitrali, afghanis some africans Panama red, thai and others (i forgot).




Active Member
Heres a few. No particular order, Colombian blacks, purples, mazar, chitrali, afghanis some africans Panama red, thai and others (i forgot).

thanx for the great pics! have you grown the ones you mentioned? wich ones are shorter in stature and drought resistant? we dont want anything that is tall, flowers late, or dies the first time it goes without water or humidity for a few days habla espanol HHF?


Well-Known Member
Monkey Paw is a strain from SE Asia . Its a good size plant . If size is and issue then its not the strain for you. Its a tough plant as long as humidity is kept in a reasonable range . Generally alittle higher then most plants .