Leaving town!

Hey everyone, I have a bit of a problem. My imaginary, fictitious crop is close to harvest (I'm waiting on my jeweler's loupe to check the trichomes, but it's within a couple of weeks), but I'm going out of town for a week and a half on Tuesday. So I'm faced with some choices:
1. harvest now, dry until Tuesday, and then leave them in jars (with ventilation holes?? Tyvek??) to cure, but I won't be able to air them out.
2. Wait until Tuesday to harvest, then dry for a week and a half and try to re-moisturize during the cure.
3. Let them sit there for a week and a half with no water and hope they don't die. (If they do, can I still use the plants, or does everything go to waste?)
4. Pull them now, give up on the bud, and make hash.

Any advice from experienced people would be greatly appreciated, this is my first fictitious, made-up for the internet grow.
im no expert and cant really answer much, but i smoked sum bud that came from a dead plant the other day, and the buzz of the bud didnt last long atall and there was very little taste and smell no good atall, my 2 cents - dont let your bud die waste of time otherwise
Give them a good watering before you leave and hope for the best... I don't leave my plants for more than a couple days, I plan all my holidays/time away around my growing schedule.
I got an automated watering system and my plants went without water for 18 hours one time, all of them looked really bad (as in top leaves where touching the bottom of the tray and they looked like they could die within a few hours to a day) when I checked them, since then I have not let them dry out that much again.

If you have no way of watering your plants for a week and a half they will die, even after 2-4 days depending on your setup and your equipment, they will die.

You cannot harvest now either and cure them while away, it's just not possible.

Your best bet is probably to harvest Monday/Tuesday and then dry then while you are away, the only issue here is you might over dry them (probably will) but it's better to over dry bud then not water plants for a week and a half imo.

Either way, as rocpilefsj said, you should really plan your get aways / vacations around your schedule or get assistance from a friend, because you are probably going to end up with a bad result no matter what you do.
Out of those choices, drying seems like the one which will do least harm.
Ok.... It is towards the end of the cycle.... The plants are in the process of dying anyways.... You could water the hell outta them before you leave.. Put them in a bowl with water to wick up.. they will dry out before you get back so I dont think root rot will be an issue.... But you can get a cheap water pump..20.00 cheap timer 10.00 some plastic hose 5.00.... drippers.... 3.00... 5 gallon lowes bucket for res 2.89....... drip system.....
watering_globes_4pc_deluxe_set.jpgu could get some watering globes like these cheap and for wht u want perfect. i think i saw some at the doller general for less than ten bucks.
I say just put em outside, or create a watering globe like the one above using pop bottles, some arts and crafts skills necessary xD
fill a try with water under them tell they dont take any more water they should be ok.

There is no way any strain can survive without water for a week and a half..
Doesn't matter how much water you give it before you leave.
if you have no way of watering them while you are gone you must harvest before you leave.
flush them heavily and shut the lights off two days before you leave. cut them the day you leave. do a very rough trim, cutting only the large fan leaves off. hang stalks upside down in a cool dark place with temps about 65-70 and relative humidity about 45-50%. they should be fine when you get back.
some one i know had a plant under t5 in fox farm soil, he raised the light 6 inchs and waterd the hell out of it before leaveing for 1 week. Came back all was ok.