Leaving supplies at your plot?


Well-Known Member
Sup RIU?

What are people thoughts on hiding some supplies at your site? i found a hollow tree and i am thinking about leaving some things in it; deer repellant, bug spray, etc.

I know it adds evidence if you get caught but i would really like to have them out there so i dont need to bring them in and out everytime.



Well-Known Member
camo camo camo lol alot of people leave the tools of the trade around the site area. i find it alot better then bringing with you all the time, if ur caught with tools walking to or from the site that raises suspicion if ur caught with tools at the plot area well thats the least of ur worries lol. just spray them with an olive drab green and maybe a medium brown that way its not a bright red can of raid sticken out of a tree lol


Well-Known Member
bring some binoculars to and from the plot all the time or a fishing rod that way u got some type of half ass excuse
there's a lot of thick underbrush and shit at my plot so i left my soil mix, my tiller, some hand shovels and a few watering cans and i just buried them under some brush, you can't even see them.


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping supplies at my spot this year. Bucket for water, unused chicken wire, ect. Like Stonerfishey said, getting caught with supplies would be the least of our worries. Just keep everything well hidden so it don't draw attention.


Active Member
Sup RIU?

What are people thoughts on hiding some supplies at your site? i found a hollow tree and i am thinking about leaving some things in it; deer repellant, bug spray, etc.

I know it adds evidence if you get caught but i would really like to have them out there so i dont need to bring them in and out everytime.

Deer eat pot?


i keep pretty much all my suppliest at my plot. i keep the smaller items in a camo back pack and leave it up in a tree where no one can see, as for everything else like shovels etc hide them in dense sticker bushes. does the trick for me...


Well-Known Member
camo camo camo lol alot of people leave the tools of the trade around the site area. i find it alot better then bringing with you all the time, if ur caught with tools walking to or from the site that raises suspicion if ur caught with tools at the plot area well thats the least of ur worries lol. just spray them with an olive drab green and maybe a medium brown that way its not a bright red can of raid sticken out of a tree lol
Pay particular attention to not touching the wet paint. Photographic fingerprint will result. Be sure to wear gloves during the entire painting process.


Well-Known Member
yea stonerfishy i bring a backpack with my rod and tackle in it when i go out to my plants. i even have a small shovel that fits in the back pack for "digging up worms". haha

i also wear glove whenever i do anything with my plants out there so i dont worry about prints.


Well-Known Member
yea stonerfishy i bring a backpack with my rod and tackle in it when i go out to my plants. i even have a small shovel that fits in the back pack for "digging up worms". haha

i also wear glove whenever i do anything with my plants out there so i dont worry about prints.
good stuff thats the smartest thing to do, what times do u usually visit the plot at? i made the mistake of going to a very very small plot last summer mid day. next visit and they were nowhere to be found


Undercover Mod
yea stonerfishy i bring a backpack with my rod and tackle in it when i go out to my plants. i even have a small shovel that fits in the back pack for "digging up worms". haha

i also wear glove whenever i do anything with my plants out there so i dont worry about prints.
Wouldn't want CSI to find your prints out in the woods. They will dust every tree out there to catch a grower. lol


Well-Known Member
Actually one of the best used pieces of evidence used in court are shoe treads. Slap duct tape on your shoes, than when you get back out onto the trail just tear it off. Simple easy effective. Probably should have mentioned that on the other Post. I'll go back and do that.:peace:


Well-Known Member
HELL YEA THEY DO! little fuckers ate one of my plants down to the first node! its still alive but its gonna have a hard life haha.

You just made me remember, now I dont know if this could be used to combat your deer problem but maybe. I went hunting one year and never saw a damn deer at one of my feeders just thousands of squirrels. It wasnt till the last week I saw a squirrel kick a deers ass, squirrel basically just started biting the shit out of the deers ear.


Well-Known Member
good stuff thats the smartest thing to do, what times do u usually visit the plot at? i made the mistake of going to a very very small plot last summer mid day. next visit and they were nowhere to be found
thats about what time i go out there. i've never seen another person on my way out there and if theres a car sitting at the entrance i dont go in.

Wouldn't want CSI to find your prints out in the woods. They will dust every tree out there to catch a grower. lol
obviously they wouldnt do that dude, theres nothing wrong with taking extra precautions. like roundplanet said the shoe tread is more likely.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more, take your time and pick a good, no, a great spot, than implement safe growing practices. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of weed lol. I just made that up.:peace: