leaving seedlings for 3 days


Well-Known Member
i have these seeds that a friend gave me from their freezer and they told me remember the big sur we used to gorw this is the plant!!! I am so stoked to have these babies living in soil growing growing for me!!!! I thought i may have a 10% germ rate but it was like 85% i am so stoked.

So here is the problem i never leave my house for more than a day or two tops and have never been away from my house for any lenghth of time. I just got the opportunity to promote my business at a three day event that will take me away from home from fri thru sunday.

my question is how can i best describe to my hubby how to care for the plant in the time i am gone? I have read threads about plants having light at the wrong time and dry as shit, i dont want this to happen. My hubby is not dumb at all just has never cared for plants and i want to tell him how in a way that he will understand, i suck at explaining shit!!!!! can anyone help now that i have written this book:)



Well-Known Member
hahaha how'd you get into that business kaya?

and how you been doing?

just tell him dont overdue it...cuz you now overcare can kill as well.....


Well-Known Member
so if he gives a light water on sat night only they should be fine and i hope if they look dry any other time ill tell him to stick his finger in the soil and see how wet it is:) i love it that sounds so dirty


Well-Known Member
I went to a party and was like now i could do that!!!! I love it and if i can put some effort into it i could build a great business!!!! I do alot so its going slow at the moment:)