leaving for a month


Well-Known Member
well it seems ill be on vacation for a month..without my plants. im leaving next week and stupid me just planted 4 germinated seeds, and now i have 3 inch seedlings. all bagseed.

does anyone know if theres a way i can keep them alive for a month when im gone, or are they just gonna die?

thanks alot


Active Member
well, keep the lights a fair bit above the plants so they have room to grow without burning, hopefully they are on a timer? you need to find a solution to the watering issue, no one can water them for you? you can buy watering systems, not sure how well they work

failing all that, and depending on where you live you could put them outside and hope for the odd bit of rain, risky, but if you do not have any other option you could do that


if its bagseed... it'll only take a couple of weeks to grow those seedlings back

if you had invested some money in seeds, i'd be a little bit worried...

just smoke some good mids or regs and get some more seeds, and make sure you have enough time to devote to the babies!!!


Active Member
a month??? you're screwed man...

really though... I put together a drip system to water my gals when I would be gone for more than a week. but a moth that early is a big risk. In that time you'll need to watch nutes... move the light... watch pH... water just when needed... keep an eye on temp... if you plan on toping or doing some LST you might want to start in week two or three...

I agree with Ian... just let it go and get back to it when you'll be around for a while longer.