

So i had two brand new sprouts and my fuckin cat got into my grow area and bit off all the newly sprouted leaves but the stems are still there. Will it produce any more or is it donzo?


Active Member
look im a newb here...but i think..even if survives that will badly stress the plant ..(and that goes bad for ur plant i believe..herming n all)


Well the stems are still there so im just going to leave them alone and see what happens. I've planted about 5 more seeds earlier today so we'll wait for those too. The cat accidentally got in usually no problems but hey now i know better. thanks.


Well-Known Member
One of my g/f's cats got into my room with a two week old grow and worked it over pretty good.(one reason to like my current avatar that much more) Out of three plants, one was stunted so bad I yanked it, one went hermie, and the one that got knawed to hell is now 8 weeks old, full on female and 44 inches tall loaded with bud sites. Give it a week or two and see how it does. I wouldn't toss it just yet.


sprouts? like seedlings? if so start over i say.

and fuck buying the kitty nip, grow some.

Its about a week old sprout with the leaves on the top that got eaten but it was a clean break from the stem.

I will definitely keep them to see what happens. SO MAD, i value the life of my bud more than my cats lol.