leaves yellowing not looking good, whats wrong?

I am on day 19 of my white widow grow. One plant looks healthy with some yellow leaves, the other not so good. Using a 150 watt hps and 2 5500K cfl's. plants were looking really good until about two days ago. Leaves are turning yellow and droopy. I thought it could be a nitrogen problem so I added 1/4 strength nutes and it seems to be getting worse. I have enough light and airflow and temperature is around 78-80 degrees. Can anyone tell me what to do. first two pictures are from plant not doing too well, the last is my healthier plantIMAG0200.jpgIMAG0201.jpgIMAG0202.jpg

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
The green of those leafs look to dark to be a deficiency of Nitrogen. If the plant does not have enough nitrogen the leafs will turn a light green with light shade of yellow. How often are youwattering them? And do the plants sit in those saucers when they have standing water? Your Soil might be to hot. Is that miracle grow soil?
yes it is miracle grow soil. i was watering them every day but only alittle each day not enough for water to just sit in the saucers. I thought that i was watering them too much so my last watering i added some nutrients at 1/4 strength and i havent watered them for about 2 days now.


Well-Known Member
Are you pH'ing your water? MG soil is know to burn seedlings, however if you are not pHing your water it could be a lockout.

You however have just overfertilised your plants, in store brought soil they usually dont need feeding your atleast 3 weeks. I would fill up a big bottle of water for each plant, leave it sit for 24hrs, pH it to 6.3 as accurately as you can, give it a real good shake to airate it, then water each plant with ATLEAST the 2x the amount of water as there is soil in the pots. This will hopefully get all the nutrients out of the soil you have just put in. I would also look at doing something with the soil so its not so hot, I have no exparience with MG but you could try mixing some perlite and vermiculite with some of the soil then, repot your plants, CAREFULLY, getting rid of as much of the straight MG soil as possible.

Dont feed the plant for a few more weeks, just give them straight pH'd water, they will be lucky to make it and will take a couple of weeks to recover


Well-Known Member
Plus, the are looking like they are thirsty and/or you have quite high temps as the leaves are puff 9the nute burn probably doesnt help this). And growing in terricota pots is not recommended as they get quite cold on the roots at night!
Are you pH'ing your water? MG soil is know to burn seedlings, however if you are not pHing your water it could be a lockout.

You however have just overfertilised your plants, in store brought soil they usually dont need feeding your atleast 3 weeks. I would fill up a big bottle of water for each plant, leave it sit for 24hrs, pH it to 6.3 as accurately as you can, give it a real good shake to airate it, then water each plant with ATLEAST the 2x the amount of water as there is soil in the pots. This will hopefully get all the nutrients out of the soil you have just put in. I would also look at doing something with the soil so its not so hot, I have no exparience with MG but you could try mixing some perlite and vermiculite with some of the soil then, repot your plants, CAREFULLY, getting rid of as much of the straight MG soil as possible.

Dont feed the plant for a few more weeks, just give them straight pH'd water, they will be lucky to make it and will take a couple of weeks to recover
I did PH the water and it was between 6 and 7 so I thought i was good there. The MG soil did not have very much nutrients in it so I thought I could add some diluted nutrients to give it alittle food. So should I get basic soil or something else? And flushing it wont kill it because its so young? Also why is one plant looking alot more healthy than the other and ive done the same to both?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I hate Miracle Grow Soil. I still think they named it miracle grow, because it is a miracle anything grows in that stuff. :)

But yes, as stated above, that soil probably has enough time released nutrients to get your plant through 3-4 weeks with out feeding them. And even then so hot your seedlings will have nut burn.
And I would not water them a little each day. I would give them a good heavy water to flush them out. Then water them every 3-4 days when they dry out. And then give them a good watering again. If you want to water them everyday. You should use something that should be watered each day, Like Coco Coir, or go with Rockwool and you can water it multiple times a day.
ok i did alittle flush on them to try and get rid of the nutrients. should i find new soil to replace the miracle grow? and whats a good brand of soil?