Leaves Yellowing. Fluorescence Lights the issue.


Active Member
Okay These are a few different Strains, they are all under the same lights same Nutes and oonly some new growth is yellowing? These plants were Stressed when I got them, some have pulled through. Some are yellowing but not dying off, growing put staying yellow. I am new to this and have check a lot pic.s but seems these are a bit different. Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated.They are under a Sun Blaze 48" Botanicare Nutes.


Active Member
First thing I do when solving nute problems is check the soil ph. A soil probe is worth it's weight in gold.
Looks a lot like an iron deficiency because it is starting in the center although it could be manganese or both.

This could either be a tad too high ph or nutrient deficiency imo.


Active Member
Thanks yes going to get a soil test tomorrow. I was thinking Iron / Mag. But not sure. See a lot of Pictures and sometimes they do not look even close. Will use some Cal/Mag next feeding.