Leaves Yellowing - 4th Week of Flowering

Hey everyone!

Hope you are hanging in there during this pandemic situation. 1st time grower here!

I believe I am in the 4th week of flowering with no added nutes other than the nutes in my soil (Black Gold - All Purpose). So far it has been fine and I was not expecting monster buds as this is my first time. I wanted to get my feet wet and then use the more complicated stuff the next grow.

Anyway, the leaves just started turning yellow on the top canopy. From the pictures, does this look normal? I measure the PH out every time she is watered. Temperature is usually 80 / 45 humidity. Also, some of the pistils in the bud sights are slowly turning amber. Should I get nutes for the flowering stage now or will it shock the plant? Or maybe she is perfectly fine? Not sure lol!

Any guidance is helpful. Thank you all for your time as always!

