leaves turning yellow and turning brown at tips cheese plant

well ill give it a try however I cant tell with a hottub strip how much lower it is then 6.2 I am guessing its around 5.8 based on the last time I phd the water I had it down to the 6.2 with almost 2 full caps of juice this time I gave the water 2 full caps so I am gonna give it a shot
they sell little bottles of PH solution on ebay ,for like 5 bucks ,just add water to the veil provided put 3 drops solution and you have it ,no more guessing
well some of them are starting to turn brown and fall off seems more like phospurous now so they must be alil hungry .
Post #5 and #12 had the answer!!! Your plants are eating themselves trying to grow flowers. Flowers don't grow without the fan leafs and the soil is not producing any food to feed the leafs.... Hungry plants!!! And no more lime!!!
ill feed them the rest of my big bloom I only have about 5 caps full left so hopefully that gets me threw till the end in a cpl weeks