Leaves Turning Yellow and Purple, 6 weeks flowering, PICS?


Well-Known Member
I am about 40 days flowering today, I haven't really had a problem with the ladies until now, and it just seems like this girl. I overferted about 2-3 weeks ago, which caused the leaf tips to turn yellow. Keep in mind I only use organic ferts, Sea Tea 2-3-2. I then just watered on my regular schedule with straight distilled water (been used since day 1 in organic soil). The leaves on my largest plant have started to turn yellow and die on the bottom, and the bud leaves are turning a purplish tint. Should I be added more nutes at this point? I don't want to ruin any chance of yield. If this is all normal and I am freaking out for nothing please let me know, my diagnosis is that it needs N and P, and probably K, so it needs some ferts, but I need a 2nd opinion.



Well-Known Member
I agree, nice job they look good. 6 weeks -you'll be flushing soon so I wouldnt worry about the nutes. purple prob your strain.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking they have at least 3 weeks left, but thanks for calming my fears of problems.