leaves turning light green to yellowish from stem to outer leaf.


Active Member
In simpler english from where the stem is and the leaf its lighter then the outside of the leaf. neone know whats happening? I thought it could be nute def. but I'm not sure. let me know please. and sorry no pics just canceled my phone. just picture a seedling growing. and where the stem is and where the leaf connects to the stem is where its turning light limeish green. the outside part of leaves are still green.


Well-Known Member
I just went through this myself. Plants were in substandard soil. I gave them nutrients (nitrogen) and then changed the soil to a mushroom compost/crappy potting soil/pearlite and/or vermiculite mix. They perked right up. Took off damaged leaves and now the plants are growing like WEEDS and look healthy. Good luck!


Active Member
lol well for the less experienced what can I do? i've using MG Moisture control n I know not good but all I got so I mean what can be done now? transplant into new soil?


Well-Known Member
lol well for the less experienced what can I do? i've using MG Moisture control n I know not good but all I got so I mean what can be done now? transplant into new soil?

YES! Get new soil, the sooner the better. I made use of my crappy soil by adding the compost, but it did so well that I'll likely used the same setup next time.


Well-Known Member
Although Miracle Grow is not a favorite around here I can't hate on it. I have grown a few times with it and it did fine.
If ur worried about it, when/if u transplant do it then, but til then...
Check your PH
Don't over water
Post some pics so we can accurately help, instead of telling you to change out your whole system.