Leaves turning brown, pic


Active Member
Hello all. First off this is my first attempt in growing.

A buddy of mine gave me this plant about 1 week old to try and grow. The strain of the plant is Skunk. I have it set up as a CFL closet grow with only 2 x 27w bulbs (i'm working on getting another 2 in there which will be added in Wednesday) It started off in one of the small clay pots from any garden store. I transplanted it into a 2.5 gallon pot about a week ago. I'm also using The Perfect Mix potting soil.

The plant now is 22 days old and for about the past 5 days i noticed the plant started getting little white spots. I established that I had spider mites so I went out and got some random mite spray (cheap o brand, due to lack of finances) and sprayed it down twice so far. So far so good on the mite problem, however I tend to think that its not the mites causing the problem my plant is going through now.

Pretty much all the leaves are turning quite brown (lots of spots) and it's just not looking too healthy. Now I've been reading A LOT in these forums lately and everything has been helpful for future knowledge. Unfortunately, my lack of experience can not solve the problem that my plant is going through so I figured I'd come here. I will post some pics, from my cell phone (sorry =( can't find my cord for my real camera but ill look for it and post new pics asap)

Any advice from somebody would be greatly appreciated bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Brown spots (necrosis) is usually a PH/nute issue.. you need to adjust your PH..I'd not nute if you are for a while and if it continues I'd even repot with clean soil... you can flush, but that can start an flush/overwater issue... wait to see if progresses and how new growth looks..luck.
*any spray you use make sure its for fruit bearing plants........ Don't want to poison yourself..


Active Member
Brown spots (necrosis) is usually a PH/nute issue.. you need to adjust your PH..I'd not nute if you are for a while and if it continues I'd even repot with clean soil... you can flush, but that can start an flush/overwater issue... wait to see if progresses and how new growth looks..luck.
*any spray you use make sure its for fruit bearing plants........ Don't want to poison yourself..
Ya I was thinking off getting some new soil, and just repotting. I will definitely let it go until Wednesday at least. Also, thank you for the advice on the spray. Now I've also narrowed my problem down to this. Like an idiot, I sprayed the plant properly, but after that I put it under the light :cry: I began reading on here after I sprayed about 8 hours later, and saw that I'm not supposed to spray and put it under direct light or sunlight, for it could cause the plant to suffocate. Now if that's the case, is there any chance in saving the plant?


Well-Known Member
Thats why I suggested you watch to see how the new growth fairs...... I've had plants look like hell, have no leaves till a 1/3 of the way up and it's still pulled through.. your problem has hit a good amount of folk here believe me.. even the pro's... I try to stay to the water every 3-4 day, (at that size) and no nutes till about a month in, then start at 1/4 strength......... 2 things fuck up plants quick too much food/water... Now lets pray to the reefer gods........


Active Member
how close is your light can get burn after spraying if light to close
I'd say it's about 3-4 inches away from the plant right now. But next time I spray I'm definitely going to do it during the 6 hour dark time. First lesson learned so far :mrgreen:


Active Member
Another thing that I'd like to mention.. I see that the leaves that I sprayed are all turning to shit. However, the stem looks perfectly fine, and the little leaves that sprout out where the stem and the branch connect, they are growing very nicely (still very small) and are very green. So maybe there is hope. Is it a possibility that the leaves that look like they're dying now will come back and look good? Or do you think that they're just gonna die and fall off.


Well-Known Member
1st couple of sets can look scary..w/out a pic its hard to tell.. I sprayed mine with a dishsoap/water to avoid mites..they looked like shit after, but they came around and 0 mites this year ..... :):):)


Active Member
1st couple of sets can look scary..w/out a pic its hard to tell.. I sprayed mine with a dishsoap/water to avoid mites..they looked like shit after, but they came around and 0 mites this year ..... :):):)
Alright cool. So I'm definitely gonna let this go till Wednesday and see how it does. I think I should also get some new soil for sure and repot. Although the leaves are brown, they still look perked up nicely. But the thing I don't like is the ends kinda look shrivled up and nearly dead on a couple of leaves.