you can get all 3 of those guanos online or local. nearly all grow shops carry them, its sunleaves brand.
ive never seen the GSC cut that goes black and i've seen the real GSC from the cookie crew. the only strain i know of that has so called black tendencies is 'the black' or black domina (spelling?)..
those plants look good, but i dont think eveveryone achieves those colors naturally with those strains. not sure what causes those particular ones to be of that shade. i thought the black in strains was a blueberry hybrid that just goes really really dark blue. i think plants that purple naturally are genetically predisposed to have trouble taking up nitrogen later in flower which causes the purple of buds. maybe so called black strains are the opposite? in my opinion the pictures you posted look like they are nitrogen toxic because they fit the description.. but granted the buds do look fantastic. great bag appeal. if its not broke dont fix it.
ive never seen the GSC cut that goes black and i've seen the real GSC from the cookie crew. the only strain i know of that has so called black tendencies is 'the black' or black domina (spelling?)..
those plants look good, but i dont think eveveryone achieves those colors naturally with those strains. not sure what causes those particular ones to be of that shade. i thought the black in strains was a blueberry hybrid that just goes really really dark blue. i think plants that purple naturally are genetically predisposed to have trouble taking up nitrogen later in flower which causes the purple of buds. maybe so called black strains are the opposite? in my opinion the pictures you posted look like they are nitrogen toxic because they fit the description.. but granted the buds do look fantastic. great bag appeal. if its not broke dont fix it.