Leaves turnign yellow nad seem brittle

newbie grower

Active Member
Help the leaves on my plants seem to be turning yellow and feel brittle. What could this be and how can I fix it. I have checked the ph in my water as well as my soil, and it is fine. Please help before I lose my plants. I am using cfl's


New Member
Geeze, its always hard to answer questions like this without enough information. Sounds like you've used too much fertilizer to me, which is a common problem with new growers.



New Member
Here's the info needed:

1. What is your soil mix?
2. What are you using for lights?
3. What are you using for fertilizer?
4. How often are you using the fertilizer?
5. How are you determining your watering schedule?

If you answer all of the above, then some good help will come your way ... I promise. :)


newbie grower

Active Member
Soil mixture is miricle grow and vermalite, all that was around when I planted.
Lights are cfl's. Right on the plants are 2 100 watt 1 day light and 1 2700K. Above them about 2 feet away are 4 150 watt 2700K
Fertalizer is shultz 10/15/10 plant food
I only used the fertalizer once so far about a week ago.
I am determining my watering by a watering meter that tells me how wet the soil is.
the box is about 3x2.5x3 all white inside Rigth now I have 5 plants in there waiting to tell sex. Once the sex is determined I will be pulling some out.
Cool thanks


Well-Known Member
Soil mixture is miricle grow and vermalite, all that was around when I planted.I only used the fertalizer once so far about a week ago.I am determining my watering by a watering meter that tells me how wet the soil is.
Does that miricle grow soil have time release nutes? How much fertilizer did you use? How often are you watering? For example: I water my plant when my moisture meter tells me to, and that happens to be every fifth day.

newbie grower

Active Member
Some of the miricle grow has the released nutes, I used some of the organic that does not have that and when i needed more I could not find the same thing, so I used what was available. I had a watering can that is about 1 litre, that I put 1 drop in. I only water when the meter tells me to. The water from my faucet is high in ph so I bout some bottled sams club water and added to phup to them to get them to between 6.8 to 7


New Member
First, start over with some really good potting soil. Here's a great mix:

2 parts Schultz's "Potting Soil Plus."

1 part Perlite.

1 part Vermeculite.

1 part Worm Castings.

One small handful of Granulatred Dolimite Lime per two gallons of soil mix.

Mix everything together and you're set to go. With this mix, you won't need any fertilizers for at least 30 days ... and more probably 45.

For fertilizers use the following:

Vegging: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.
Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20.

All the soil mix stuff can be found at your local nursery. They may have to order the worm castings for you. Buy the 25 pound bag.

Here's where to order the Peter's fertilizers by mail:Jack's Classic Plant Food from J.R. Peters, Inc., Fertilizer Manufacturer - Jacks Classic

Good luck ...



Well-Known Member
give then some nitrogen and drop the temp. the leaves are yellowing because they are in veg. your nutes are high in the P range. you have 8 bulbs with 4 directly on top of them? sounds hot. i use m/g soil with time release and have never had it burn my clones or seedlings. if you only fed one small dose you shouldn't be over ferted. do you have a fan and what is the tempurature?

newbie grower

Active Member
I have a fan on them it is not right inside the box though. The box has a crack where the doors close and I put 2 fans by the crack blowing in. One blowing towards the plants and 1 blowing towards the lights. I am not sure what the temp is my thermometer stopped working.


Active Member
You might also consider getting some cfl's that are in the 6000K range. Those will promote more vigorous growth in veg than the 2700K. The 2700K would be more beneficial to you in the flowering phase. Good luck to you my friend!

Peace :joint:



Well-Known Member
hey newbie,

I like your light set-up. Looks like it is very versatile in terms of moving the light where you want it. Good job! Keep those CFL's as close as you can!

newbie grower

Active Member
Well after doing some research I am pretty sure I have a phosphorus deficency and, I want to flush the plants to get everything out of them. How do you do the flush, do you pretty much just drown the plant? I am using gallon pots and I found where it says to fluch that size pot I need to flush it with 3 gallons of water. Do I just pour the 3 gallons into the soil?


Well-Known Member
Well after doing some research I am pretty sure I have a phosphorus deficency and, I want to flush the plants to get everything out of them. How do you do the flush, do you pretty much just drown the plant? I am using gallon pots and I found where it says to fluch that size pot I need to flush it with 3 gallons of water. Do I just pour the 3 gallons into the soil?

What? you need NITROGEN. you said you only have fed once. if you are just starting 12/12 you should not need phosphate yet. if you are only flowering to determine sex you shouldn't need phosphate at all. if it is a deficency you don't flush you feed. what are you trying to flush out. m/g soil is just a little high in nitrogen. it burns the very tips of some clones that's it. i'm confused.
how old are your plants?